Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Skin Cancer - Understanding the Three Types of Skin Cancer

These days thousands of cases of skin cancer has been reported. Skin cancer is increasing day by day with the increasing rate. The skin cancer can be defined in three parts. All of these skin cancers are dangerous for humans. These three skin cancers are as follows:

Melanoma- This is the first amongst three types of skin cancers. This can start with a point that is in the moles and this rapidly spread all over the body and this can lead to the death of the infected person. It is advised that if anyone has moles which have irregular borders and are of multiple colors must get checked through a specialist.

Usually people takes it lightly, some takes it as the season changing effects and some takes it in any other way but this has to be treated well because if this is take n lightly then this can lead to the death of the patient. The moles which are extremely opposite to these that is the moles with the regular borders and with the single colors are out of the reach of the skin cancer threat.

Squamous cell cancer- This is also a very dangerous skin cancer type. This type of skin cancer does not spread regularly as it shows its impact occasionally and when it spreads all over the body it could be much more dangerous that melanoma even. It is again advised that whenever one feels that with a very low speed he is receiving some sorts of infection then he must consult a specialist before it gets uncontrollable.

Basal cell skin cancer- This is the third, last and the most common type of the skin cancer. This type of skin cancer does not spread through the body and there are very rare chances that if this spreads from the body also this is the only type of skin cancer which can be cured by the 100% of the lesion. These cancers can not be stopped if they reach their speed and the only way to stop them is to wait until they get through with their entire activity and up to that period the patient will not survive.

Therefore, it is recommended that people must take care of them because if they get trapped by any of this type then this would be very difficult even for the doctor to cure them.

The symptoms for the basal cell skin cancer are that it develops some scaly surface on the area which is usually exposed in the light. There are special creams available to remove this kind of infection which is known as actinic keratosis and the special cream which is advised to remove this is imiquimod. Usually what people do is that they leave that red area as it is and that infection gets enough time to make his own way and this is the reason why the person get trapped by this skin cancer.

Always keep in mind that early detection is your best weapon against any types of cancer.

To Your Health!

Florida Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including Florida abortion clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services and sexually transmitted disease screening and counseling

Monday, 30 March 2009

What is Bone Cancer?

Someone telling you that you have cancer is one of the most horrible things one can hear. Just thinking about all the problems that can come up and how long treatment takes can affect not only the person who has it, but also the people around them. However, the scariest part of cancer is that there are so many types of it out there, and people might not even know anything about them. Yes, everyone knows the main ones like lung, breast and brain cancer, but what about the other not so common ones. Bone cancer is one such example and is a type that is often overlooked, but it's never too early for us to become informed about it.

More than 2,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with bone cancer or a bone tumor each year. The tumors often occur in children and adolescents more than it occurs in adults. If an adult does have bone cancer, it's most likely because the disease has spread from another area in the body.

There are several types of bone cancer and the most common is called Osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma is primarily a malignant form of the cancer occurring mainly in males between 10 to 25 years of age. The cancer forms in the long bones of the arm and legs at time of rapid growth rate.

Another form of bone caner is Ewing's sarcoma. This is the most aggressive form of bone cancer and occurs in children between 4 to 15 years of age. It is more common in males but rarely occurs if they are over 30 years old.

Chondrosarcoma is the second most common form of bone cancer. It accounts for about 25% of all malignant bone tumors. However, what is interesting about this form of cancer is that it is most commonly found in adults over 40 years old. It is most commonly found in males and has a tendency to spread to the lungs. It occurs in the hips and pelvis.

These types of bone cancer are the more common forms although there are several more types which are not covered here. Cancer is becoming increasingly hard to diagnose because there are just so many different types of it. In addition, it's actually quite difficult to know where to look for it. However, the more we know about the different types of cancer, the more easier it is for us to recognize them when they occur and to take early remedial action to arrest or eradicate this deadly disease. Earlier positive intervention can increase our chances for an early recovery and a higher survival rate.

Lester Lee

Lester Lee is the webmaster of http://www.Cancer-Tumor.info, an informative website that provides the latest advice, info and updates on Bone Cancer. Visit our site today for more helpful info on Bone Cancer and other similar topics.

3 Types of Skin Cancer Explained

Skin cancer is a condition that develops as a result of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light. This prolonged exposure then causes the skin cells to grow in a rapid, out of control way ultimately leading to the formation of a cancerous tumour on the skin. Approximately 60,000 people in the UK develop this condition each year. However, what many people do not know is that not all skin cancers are the same. There are actually three different types; Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Malignant Melanoma. In this article article I will be discussing these three in greater detail.

  1. BASAL CELL CARCINOMA (BCC):- This is the most common form of skin cancer and accounts for 75% of all diagnoses. As the name suggests it begins when the process of cell division goes wrong in the basal cells of the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) and a cancerous tumour forms. This tumour often looks like a red ulcer on the skin which may bleed, crust or itch and is often given the nickname 'rodent ulcer'. Basal cell carcinoma typically appears on areas of the body that are exposed to the sun such as the arms, legs and face. Although it is the most common type of skin carcinoma it rarely kills. However, it can disfigure the skin if left untreated for a long period.
  2. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA:- This type of skin cancer accounts for between 15% and 20% of skin cancers. It begins when the squamous cells of the epidermis start to grow in a rapid and uncontrollable way which ultimately leads to the development of a cancerous tumour. This tumour often resembles a hard red lump or a flat, scaly, scab like area. Like BCC, squamous cell carcinoma often appears on parts of the body that are exposed to the sun and rarely kills. However, if left untreated it can spread to other areas of the body.
  3. MALIGNANT MELANOMA:- This type of skin cancer represents less than 10% of diagnoses. It develops in melanin producing skin cells called melanocytes. Malignant melanoma begins when the process of cell division goes wrong in these melanocytes and they start to divide and multiply uncontrollably leading to the development of a tumour. This tumour has a large, brown mole like appearance and can appear on your arms, back, leg or face. Although it resembles a mole there are subtle differences, Malignant melanomas are often a different colour to normal moles and they are often larger and more uneven. Unlike BCC and SCC, this type of cancer is very dangerous if not treated quickly and accounts for the majority of skin cancer fatalities.

I hope this article has given you an insight in to this type of cancer. Whilst skin blemishes and odd looking moles may be non-cancerous they are a cause for concern. If you notice anything suspicious on your skin which does not disappear within a month then you should go see your doctor immediately. Early detection is a key element in the successful treatment of skin cancer and so it is far better to take the time and get yourself tested.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Skin cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

Tom Parker

Tom Parker owns and operates a number of useful fitness resources and websites. You can learn more about the various types of skin cancer and how improving your fitness can help you prevent cancer by visiting his Free Fitness Tips Blog

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Skin Cancer - The True Myths

Skin cancer is more prevalent today than any other time in history. Baby Boomers have begun to show all the signs of being the largest generation with skin cancer. Little was said during their lives to help protect them from the heavy damage of the sun.

Excessive sun exposure is dangerous and everyone knows it. However, approximately 50% of people over 65 are diagnosed with melanoma or some type of skin cancer. When planning for an extended day outside make sure you put skin care products on the top of your list of right things to do.

Additional things to consider to help protect you:

  1. I'll stay under the umbrella and not get burned. If going to the beach - try to remember that the majority of the UV (ultraviolet) light bounces off the sand and water. Thinking that your beach umbrella will protect you is false security. Apply a sunscreen to any exposed skin including your face.
  2. All sunscreens are the same. Not true. Make sure you read the labels. Having a high rating does not mean it will protect you better. Look for a broad spectrum lotion that will block both UV'a' and UV'b' rays. Also try to find one with either Parsol 1789 or Titanium dioxide as an ingredient. Most people do not know that their suntan lotion has an expiration date? You better look because it does. Another important thing to remember is to re-apply your sunscreen every 2 hours. Waterproof sunscreen will not protect you completely although waterproof. It also needs to be reapplied.
  3. My sunscreen provides protection completely. I wish this was true however, you need to limit your exposure on the beach...try moving the time so that you avoid being there during the punishing 10 - 4 time period. Wear a hat with a brim all way around to protect your neck and ears. Baseball caps miss those areas. Popular today in the sunny states is clothing with UV ratings. These fabrics are generally very tightly woven.
  4. Skin cancer is always Melanoma. This is really false. Skin cancer comes in many types and degrees. If discovered early - Most melanomas can be removed during a simple office visit. The problems begin when it or any cancerous lesion is left untreated.
  5. My family all had skin cancer. Although an important fact this is not always the case. Generally speaking light skin, freckles and eyes that are light such as blue or hazel run a higher risk of skin cancer and wrinkles too. People with darker skin tones who tan easy are at a lower risk category but can still be vulnerable. Completing a monthly examination of your body using a mirror is important with an annual checkup by a dermatologist.
  6. I don't go out in the sun much so I am safe. Wrong again, Melanoma can also occur on moles and freckles. It has even been found on the sole or bottom of a foot.

Warning signs are a sudden change in the size, shape or color of a spot. DON'T WAIT! Have it checked.

You mean too much to others to just let it go. It might not go away.

Before heading to the beach... Check out this simple check list for being in the sun for an extended time

Sandra M Morris

Saturday, 28 March 2009

4 Top Tips For Preventing Skin Cancer

Approximately 60,000 people in the UK contract skin cancer each year. It begins when process of cell division goes wrong in the skin and it starts to grow in a rapid, out of control way. This then leads to the formation of a cancerous tumour which usually resembles a blemish on the skin. Whilst this type of cancer is one of the most common it is also very preventable. In this article I am going to be discussing four things you can do to help prevent skin cancer.

1) AVOID PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO THE SUN:- Sunlight does have a number of benefits. It prompts the body to produce vitamin D and can also help you avoid seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in the winter months. However, like all good things you can get too much. Prolonged exposure to sunlight exposes your body to ultraviolet (UV) light which ultimately damages the DNA in your skin cells and leads to skin cancer. Therefore, if you know that you are going to be out in the sun for an extended period make sure that shelter is available so that you can take regular breaks from the sunlight.

2) USE SUN CREAM:- As I mentioned above the reason that sunlight leads to skin cancer is that it contains UV light which damages your skin cells. Sun cream contains ingredients that block these UV rays and stop them from damaging your skin. Therefore, if you are out in the sun make sure you have sun cream with you. Ideally try and apply it to your skin 15 minutes before going out in the sun and make sure you re-apply it regularly.

3) WEAR SENSIBLE CLOTHING:- Clothing can offer you fantastic protection from the sunlight and the damaging UV rays. Whilst it is tempting to walk around wearing as little as possible when the sun is shining this puts you at an increased for skin cancer if you are out in the sun for a long period. Therefore, you need to make sure you have some clothing with you that can cover your body and perhaps a hat to protect your face as well. You don't have to cover up all the time that you are in the sun but make sure you do not leave your skin exposed for extended periods.

4) DON'T USE SUNBEDS:- Sunbeds use concentrated UV rays so even though a session on a sunbed is relatively short it is potentially more dangerous than staying out in the sun for a long time. If you really want a tan then do it naturally by sunbathing with regular breaks in the shade and regular doses of sun cream. Alternatively, try the increasingly available range of tanning products that are out there. Tanning in the sun will expose your skin to less intense UV rays whilst using tanning products will mean you avoid UV rays completely. Both of these options are safer than being exposed to the high doses of UV rays that a sunbed provides.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article skin cancer is one of the most prominent cancers in the UK but also one of the most preventable. If you take the precautions listed above you should be able to protect your skin and minimise your chances of developing this type of cancer.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Skin cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

Tom Parker owns and operates a number of useful fitness resources and websites. You can learn more about preventing skin cancer and how improving your fitness can help you prevent cancer by visiting his Free Fitness Tips Blog

Friday, 27 March 2009

Prevent Skin Cancer With Handmade Soap

In the United States, there are more than 1 million skin cancers diagnosed each year. This fact reflects that skin cancer is the most common type of all cancer types. This number of course cannot be taken for granted. People start to be apprehensive especially by those who are demanded to have direct contact with sun rays everyday for various purposes. And the main cause of skin cancer is getting too much exposure to ultraviolet rays.

There are a lot of things you can do to protect yourself from the bad effect of having too much UV exposure. Among others, you need to avoid sun rays entirely and to wear clothes that can protect you from sun rays when going out door. You can also apply sun-block lotion to protect your skin if you really have to expose your skin to sunlight directly. Continuous treatment and protection will be very helpful to make sure that your skin is completely protected and stays in healthy condition. Industrially produced soaps might be insufficient to provide you with the protection you need to avoid skin cancer. That is why making your own handmade soap will be a good idea to provide your skin with the nutrients it needs.

There are many soap hand-making guides you can get from the internet. However, you have to choose the one explaining the use of suitable ingredients that can provide skin care and protection from the danger of skin cancer. In addition, when you make handmade soap, you can add extra virgin oil and natural lipids to it or find the other ingredients that will be useful to reduce the risk of skin cancer. For example, you can add caffeine extract. Topical application of caffeine will decrease the number of malignant and nonmalignant skin tumors by 44% and 72% respectively. After all, it is always fun to use your own handmade soap but it will be more valuable if you know how to add some nutrients to it.

Ricardo Lubis

Pure Handmade Soap

Thursday, 26 March 2009

If You Don't Check These Skin Cancer Signs Now, You'll Regret it Later

The sun has become dangerous, and everybody is aware that they should protect themselves from it. Wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. Don't stay too long in the sun during times of day when it is most dangerous. Everybody knows that part. But there is another important part to this equation. You must check yourself for skin cancer signs, on a regular basis. Even people who do they best to keep from the sun and its harmful rays, might get skin cancer. So, just a couple of quick looks at your body can help you detect skin cancer early.

Observing all the beauty marks you have will be a good place to start. A Healthy beauty mark in one that has clearly defined borders and is symmetrical. If you are over 20, you should have a pretty good idea on where and how many beauty marks you have. New ones usually don't show up regularly, so if they do, here's one warning sign. Here are 5 more signs of skin cancer that you should look for in each of you beauty marks:

  1. Asymmetry - when a beauty mark starts to look asymmetrical, it might indicate skin cancer has started developing. The best way to tell is just compare one half of the beauty mark to the second half to see if there these are fairly symmetric, and then repeat the process while looking from a different angle. This is usually easily detected, so if you didn't see anything- you're good.
  2. Undefined borders - Healthy beauty marks are clearly defined. You can see where it starts and where it ends. If the mark started to spread or now has a slightly smudged border, than a doctor should look at it. When you start regularly looking and examining your marks, you'll be able to see in seconds if anything changed.
  3. Changes of color - Most beauty marks have different shades of brown. All shades can belong to a healthy beauty mark, as long as this color doesn't change.
  4. Increasing diameter- this sign you can observe when you start conduction regular checkups.
  5. Bleeding - any bleeding that is not a direct result of a cut, should be a warning sign. This is even truer when referring to bleeding of beauty marks.

Skin cancer has many symptoms, causes and types, but this simple checkup can significantly reduce the chance skin cancer will develop without you noticing it. Early detection can definitely save you.

For more information on skin cancer and skin cancer treatments, click here

Pete Sanderson

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Skin Cancer Chart

Skin cancer is a deadly and common disease. Skin cancer charts graphs is at least partially preventable. Overexposure to the sun and tanning beds are two causes of the disease. Some forms of the disease are also hereditary.

Skin cancer is cancer that can be found on the skin, including the face, arms, and legs. Typically, it comes from moles or spots on the skin that form into cancer at a later time. There are several ways to detect if a mole on your skin is suspicious. If it is irregular or asymmetrical, then it should be checked by a doctor called a dermatologist. Everyone is recommended to have at least one exam a year by a dermatologist to check the entire body for skin cancer.

There are many types of skin cancer as well. The deadliest type is melanoma. There is also basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Skin cancer charts graphs are different depending on the kind of skin cancer that is found. Treatment is dependent on the type of cancer found also. The prognosis for survival and recovery depends on how soon the cancer was found and the type of cancer. Biopsies are used to find out this information after the suspicious spot is discovered. Charts and graphs have been made showing how common different types of the disease are.

How common is skin cancer relating to tanning? It is very common. People who have spent their entire lives baking in the sun are putting themselves at a huge risk for deadly skin cancer. It is good to stay out of the sun whenever possible. If you have to be in the sun, wear sunscreen and/or protective clothing to block out the harmful rays. Any tanning or sunburns put you at a higher risk for the disease. Skin cancer charts graphs prove that this disease are not worth messing around with!

The skin, also called the derma, is a very important organ. It covers all our internal organs, bones and muscles. It is the first impression we make on others. We should limit our sun exposure as much as possible in order to protect it! If you have been tanning or staying in the sun too much, make sure to get your skin checked often. It is not too late to start wearing sunscreen! Even if you have been taking care of your skin, still get checked out yearly by a dermatologist.

Skin cancer is a serious, common, and preventable disease. Although it is mostly treatable, people die every year from the disease. Many others wear scars from painful and embarrassing surgeries relating to cancer. They wish they had taken care of themselves while they had the chance to.

Ian Pennington

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about Skin Cancer Chart, please visit Prevent Skin Cancer Online for current articles and discussions

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

3 Prominent Skin Cancer Risk Factors

Around 60,000 people contract skin cancer each year. It begins when your skin cells start to grow in a rapid and out of control way. This then leads to a malignant (cancerous) tumour forming on your skin. Whilst exposure to sunlight is the leading risk factor for this type of cancer there are others too. In this article I will be discussing three of the main skin cancer risk factors.

  1. EXPOSURE TO ULTRAVIOLET (UV) LIGHT:- As I mentioned above this is the main risk factor for this type of cancer. The reason for this is that UV rays cause damage to the DNA in your skin cells increasing the chances of cell division going wrong and cancer forming. Sunlight contains UV rays so prolonged exposure to the sun through spending a lot of time outdoors can increase your risk. Sunbeds and sunlamps also emit high doses of UV light and so make you more likely to develop this condition.
  2. LIGHT SKIN:- People who have light skin are more likely to develop skin cancer because their skin offers less protection from UV rays. Those with very light skin that goes red or freckles in the sun are most at risk, especially if they were heavily exposed to UV rays from an early age. Contrastingly people with dark skin are much less likely to develop this condition because their skin contains a melanin pigment which offers protection from UV rays.
  3. GENETIC FACTORS:- There are a number of genetic factors that can increase your chances of contracting this type of cancer. First, having two or more family members that developed skin cancer is thought to increase your risk. Secondly, having blonde or red hair makes you more likely to develop this disease. Thirdly, people with blue eyes are thought to be at a greater risk than those with other eye colours. Finally, people with a large number of freckles or moles on their skin are thought to have a greater chance of developing this cancer.

Unlike other cancers you have full control over many of the risk factors linked to skin cancer. Long term exposure to UV rays makes you more likely to develop this condition especially if you have light skin, blonde or red hair, blue eyes or lots of freckles and moles. Therefore, if you know you are going to be out in the sun for long periods take the necessary precautions by covering your skin and wearing sun cream. If your genetic features make you an even higher risk for this type of cancer then make sure you take shelter regularly and avoid prolonged exposure to UV rays when you can. If you take these precautions you should be able to reduce your skin cancer risk.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Skin cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

Tom Parker owns and operates a number of useful fitness resources and websites. You can learn more about the various skin cancer risk factors and how improving your fitness can help you prevent cancer by visiting his Free Fitness Tips Blog

Thomas Parker

Monday, 23 March 2009

Good News For Turmeric and Skin Cancer Prevention and Cure

It seems like every time you turn your head, there is a story about the health benefits of turmeric and skin cancer prevention appears to be one of them, so what is the secret of this humble herb?

Long used in Indian and Chinese medicine, this herb has an active ingredient called curcumin responsible for its extraordinary powers. This is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substance which can help naturally heal many of today's diseases.

With regards to turmeric and skin cancer, it appears to induce the melanoma cells to kills themselves while leaving the healthy cells alone. This fact cannot be underestimated when you realize that current chemotherapy treatment kills the healthy cells as well.

Another important factor is that with chemotherapy treatment for example, your body's immune systems is severely compromised and you are open to infection, whilst with natural herbs like turmeric, they actually boost your immune system at the same time.

Research still has a way to go but one scientist described it as, "one of the most perfect designer substances for fighting cancer." Quite a statement to make and one of the reasons millions of dollars are being pumped into research.

Another intriguing fact is that curcumin seems to be able to stop cancer spreading, partly by improving the function of the liver. This is a key area many scientists are now investigating as this ability could save many lives.

Not only is turmeric and skin cancer being looked at but many other areas such as protecting against heart disease and lowering dangerous LDL or bad cholesterol levels, so much has this herb to offer us.

You can get the benefits of this and other synergistic nutrients now in the form of a quality multi health supplement. Look for one that has 95% pure curcumin extract and piperine from black pepper, as this significantly increases its absorption rate.

In the short term you may notice improved memory and clearer thinking and not fall victim so often to common colds and flu, due to the boost to your metabolism. More importantly you will be helping to prevent many of the dangerous diseases in the future.

Turmeric and skin cancer prevention and cure is just the beginning.

Visit my website today to learn more about how to choose a quality turmeric supplement.

Take a moment to visit my site now at http://www.natural-supplements-site.info

Ric Hawkins

Ric Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and turmeric extract Discover the very latest and effective anti-aging health supplements Ric recommends after extensive research

Sunday, 22 March 2009

An Introduction to Skin Cancer Treatments

If you have been diagnosed with skin cancer you may be uncertain about the treatment you will be getting as, even if you have already had your treatment options explained to you in detail by your doctor, you might still be confused by all the technical jargon that was thrown at you. It is also possible that you might not have been able to take in the information because of the shock following your diagnosis.

Below therefore is a brief description of just some of the treatments which may be used when treating skin cancer.

The specific type of treatment you will receive is going to depend upon several different things which include such things as your age and whether or not your cancer has spread to other parts of your body.

Your treatment may include surgery during which your surgeon may decide to remove the cancer itself together with some of the surrounding skin tissue. Just how much normal skin will be removed will be dependent upon the particular type of cancer found and how deep that cancer is. Usually an area of roughly one or two centimeters of skin from the surrounding area is removed.

As well as conventional surgery, some skin cancers can be removed by freezing using liquid nitrogen or removed with drugs like Imiquimod.

A more extensive type of surgery might be needed if a sentinel lymph node shows cancer cells after a biopsy of a suspect area. This type of surgery is designed to remove lymph nodes close to the cancer along with affected skin and is usually followed up with a course of radiotherapy.

A recent development in the treatment of skin cancer is what is referred to as immunotherapy cancer vaccination although research into this form of treatment is still under way and it is as yet not widely available. Chemotherapy may also be ordered if your skin cancer has spread into other areas.

There is no definitive form of prevention for skin cancer but there are a variety of things which you can do to reduce your risk of developing the disease and the most important yet frequently ignored is to keep your skin covered if you are out in the sun.

Every one of us, regardless of the type or color of skin you have should use a sunscreen which has a protection factor of at least 15. You should also wear sufficient clothing and remain in the shade as much as you can, particularly between 11am and 3pm when the sun's rays are at their strongest. By the same token, it is always advisable not to use sun beds and sunlamps as these too give off harmful rays.

Lastly, keep a check on your skin and pay particular attention to any changes in lesions and moles. If you notice any changes then you should visit your physician as quickly as you can so that treatment can be given

YourCancerQuestions.com provides answers to not just your questions about skin cancer but to cancer questions on a wide range of topics including lung, cervical, ovarian, liver cancer and much more

Donald Saunders

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Tadpoles May Help With Skin Cancer Detection

Researchers at the University of East Anglia have completed several years work to find a compound that seems to block the movement of the pigment cells that give tadpoles their unique markings. Uncontrolled movement of pigment cells has been linked to cancer in both humans and frogs, which means skin cancer detection and prevention could be improved.

Melanoma cells in particular, are known to migrate (or move) through the body to the organs, causing secondary tumors that are one of the more high-risk forms of cancer.

Melanomas are one of the most dangerous types of skin cancer because they're both invasive and resistant to treatment.

Malignant melanoma is responsible for 75% of all skin cancer deaths, and about 160,000 new cases (over 62,000 in the U.S.) of melanoma are diagnosed worldwide each year.

If research can learn how to block this process, perhaps cancer spread can be delayed or even halted altogether.

Despite the hopeful outlook, practical applications in terms of medications are likely still years away.

The compound used in this study was selected from 3,000, screened to see if they effected the pigment cells. The compound, known as NSC 84093, produced a visible change in the color markings on the tadpoles when used in very low concentrations. The continuous stripe along the back was replaced by a pattern of blocks of color along the back of the tadpole.

Biologist and lead researcher Grant Wheeler at the University of East Anglia said, "Forty of the compounds gave us an interesting difference which we wanted to follow up."

Apparently its easy to look at the tadpole embryos and see the color change - so many compounds could be tested.

A chemist at the University saw that the structure of the compound they were using had properties that showed it could bind to a zinc molecule. A substance expressed by melanoma tumors, matrix metaloproteinases (MMP) thought to be involved with cell behavior such as migration, is zinc dependent.

The compound identified by the British researchers keeps the MMP from doing what comes naturally. The team saw changes to patterning on the tadpoles depending on the strength of the dose given.

And if you're wondering what tadpoles can tell us about cancer, it helps to understand how much we have in common with the little critters. These simple creatures diverged from man a mere 360 million years ago, though they still have the same organs, molecules and physiology as we do.

This tells us that cancers in the frogs will develop and act just as they do in people.

What's more, the tadpole that becomes the South African Clawed Frog, produces eggs all year round so supplies of subjects are plentiful.

The intriguing study appears in the January 2009 journal Chemistry & Biology and though there is still a lot of work to be done, if these preliminary results hold, we may be one step close to finding an effective skin cancer detection process and treatment for one of many invasive forms of cancer. The next step is to test the compound in other animals.

Next just head on over to the Daily Health Bulletin for more health tips including signs of skin cancer and skin cancer detection. Plus get 5 free revealing health reports

Kirsten Whittaker

Friday, 20 March 2009

Reason Why There is So Much Skin Cancer Today

The cause of skin cancer and melanomas does not lie entirely with the sun. If it did our ancestors would not have survived and we wouldn't be here. It was almost unheard of 100 years ago; it's been slowly increasing over the last 40 to 50 years. Cases of melanomas have doubled in the U.K. in the past 30 years. The sun hasn't got any stronger and the ozone layer is still intact, but the foods we consume on a daily basis have changed vastly. It's the sun, combined with nutritional deficiency that causes skin cancer. It's the irritation caused by the sun burn that will determine where the cancer will take hold, but it's the nutritional deficiencies and other lifestyle factors that causes it to grow, that's why it keeps reappearing after treatments. The only ways to cure any skin cancers or melanomas are to address the underlying causes.

Cancer is not a 100 different diseases as we have become to believe but one disease in over 100 different locations. All cancers have mostly common causes. Remember that many people get skin cancer in areas of the body that don't see a lot of the sun, like the soles of the feet or the palms of the hands. Also dark skin people get skin cancer just as much as fair skin people. The reasons why a person develops any cancer are well known, and to cure it, all these issues you must address.

The underlying causes are our lack of fresh fruit and vegetables, the use of too many toxic chemicals, many of which are know to be carcinogenic, our sedentary lifestyle, which because of it, our built in defense system which is our immune system has become sluggish and lastly emotional stress which does have a major impact on human health, including cancer.

Melanomas can be very aggressive so if one wants to cure themselves, they need to address all the factors mentioned above. Today we consume many foods which are not suitable for human consumption. For instance, processed foods which nearly all contain fat, salt or refined sugar and those 3 items are known contributors to cancer. The toxic chemicals we use on a daily basis which are mostly in personal care products and are absorbed into our body through our pores. Then we can thank the ubiquitous automobile for our lack of exercise. We need exercise to rid the body of toxins, as it boosts the all important immune system making it work more efficiently.

Emotional stress or unresolved conflict, not letting go of a problem, which might be the loss of a close friend, a business crisis or bankruptcy can have a major effect on the immune system and all cancers are simply a disease of a weak immune system.

There is no mystery about the causes of skin cancer or any other cancer. If you want to achieve a permanent cure, it is essential to eat freshly grown food everyday which is of paramount importance, remove all toxic chemicals, and get some exercise. If you are in the sun use some common sense and cover up during the hottest part of the day. That is the only way to become free of the disease....for good!

Skin cancer and melanomas are an entirely preventable and curable disease and our modern medical approaches are not necessary the most effective approach to healing cancer patients.

Alan Wighton

Alan Wighton is an independent health researcher, having spent many years gaining knowledge, particularly on the subject of cancer. If you have found this article helpful and would like to learn more, visit his website where you can download a free article that has been written with facts and information to help people overcome their cancer. http://www.cancerhealed.com

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Human Genome Project For Lung Cancer

The human genome project was started to map the human genome right until the nucleotide level and then identify all the human genes. The genome of human beings is the human genome. A Genome is a full set of chromosomes. Studying this genome can result in a lot of findings that can be applied to cure diseases. One of the primary beneficiaries of this is that the biological changes due to any disease in the genome can be found out and hence therapy can be formulated to battle against cancer due to results from the human genome project for lung cancer.

A study which was the human genome Project for lung cancer was recently conducted by a group of international scientists to study the underlying effects on genes when you have lung cancer. They were effectively trying to map the genetic changes to the lung cancer. The results of this study indicate the presence of a number of undiscovered genes in the lung cancer cells. Apart from this the scientists discovered a critical gene alteration. This provides more targets for therapy. Apart from the increased potential to formulate new strategies for therapy, this increases the knowledge of the biology of lung cancer and thus will be able to answer the question "how does lung cancer begin?" It has served to find the missing pieces of the puzzle and this research is beneficial for other types of cancers too. This is because the findings from this series of tests indicate a general procedure that should be followed for other types of cancer as well.

It is known that lung cancer arises from changes in the DNA that accrue throughout a person's life. Hence studying the human genes and mapping the changes to lung cancer allows the researchers to find out the specific changes that occur in the genes that contribute to lung cancer. It is because of the lack of this knowledge that researchers are not able to find better treatment for cancer. The Human Genome Project for Lung Cancer attempts to bridge this divide and thus make discoveries that can be translated to effective therapy for lung cancer patients. The study conducted by these international scientists has managed to pinpoint the exact gene that regulates the activity of cancer cells. This is a huge step towards understanding the genetic alterations and the effect it has on the cancer. The key goal is to identify vulnerabilities in the cancer cells so that it can be taken advantage of while trying to remove cancer cells from the body. This is possible only by learning as much as possible about the cancer by pinpointing specific genetic changes in the lung. This helps in the drug formulations. With the knowledge that only a select group of cells control cancerous growth, drugs can formulated to specifically target those group of cells hence making the drug extremely effective in removing cancer cells.

This study was just a pilot project for the bigger study to follow. The next Human Genome Project for lung cancer study will try to unearth all the possible genetic causes of lung cancer. The results expected from the next project are expected to be comprehensive and to enhance the knowledge about the genetic causes of lung cancer. It can increase the number of general facts on lung cancer.

You can visit our website for more information about Cancer and Sarcoma। We have a lot of articles about Lung Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Sarcoma Muscle

Karl Dorads

All You Need To Know About Mouth Cancer

Abnormal growth of cells inside the mouth can be termed as mouth cancer. Mouth cancer occurs inside any part of the mouth including lips, jaws, cheek, gums, tongue, salivary glands and tonsils. All these tissues inside the mouth are covered by a layer of soft cells known as squamous cells. It is these cells that become malignant in case of mouth cancer. Hence, mouth cancer is also referred to as squamous cell carcinoma.

There are a wide variety of causes due to which mouth cancer occurs. These include smoking, alcohol consumption, tobacco chewing and exposure to harmful UV radiation. Apart from these, other causes include Candida infection in the mouth, Kaposi's sarcoma that occurs with AIDS and nutritional deficiency that involves diet lacking vitamins A, C and E, iron, selenium and zinc.

There are a variety of symptoms by which a doctor can diagnose mouth cancer. However, one needs to do a biopsy of the tissue in order to confirm the occurrence of mouth cancer. Other diagnostic tests that are required to establish the cancer stage include endoscopy, X-ray, MRI scan and CT scan.

Treatment of mouth cancer is dependant on the cancer stage. There are three prominent treatment methods including radiation therapy, surgery and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy involves treatment with intravenous injections of anticancer drugs. However, patient experiences multiple side effects during chemotherapy including nausea, vomiting, hair loss, mouth sores and weight loss. Radiation therapy involves usage of beta rays for killing cancer cells. Surgery is employed when the tumor is benign. Physicians also employ a combination of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation for treating mouth cancer.

One can reduce the risk of oral cancer by avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol, staying away from smoking and tobacco chewing, and consuming a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Pauline Go

Pauline Go is a professional writer for many website like newbiemommy.com. She also writes other great articles like Spot Fake Doctors Sick Note, Know about Massive Heart Attacks , Male Breast Enlargement Caused By Medication

Colon Cancer Survival Rates

Colon cancer survival rates indicate the chances a cancer patient has of surviving the disease for a specified length of time. The rates are by no means a definite indicator of what will happen to a patient; they can at best predict a patient's chances of what might happen to him, if a type of treatment plan is opted for, based on what has happened to other patients in similar circumstances. They serve as a guide to a patient and his family to know what they can expect if they choose a particular type of treatment or if they should consider one at all rather than just opt for pain relievers and sedation.

Colon cancer is a disease of the lower part of the digestive system affecting the colon, rectum and appendix. It is also called colorectal or large bowel cancer. It is the 2nd leading cause of cancer related deaths in the Western World.

Colon cancer when detected in the early stages is one of the most curable of cancers, by as much as 90%. Happily, the colon cancer survival rates have been steadily improving over the past 20 years, because of improved screening that makes treatment possible at the early curable stages. There are over 1 million survivors of the disease in the US today.

As with most cancers, prognosis is determined by the stage at which the disease is diagnosed, the later the stage at which the disease is diagnosed, the lower the survival rate. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute gives these overall survival rates for colon cancer in the US: 93% at stage 1, 85% at stage 2A, 72% at stage 2B, 83% at stage 3A, 64% at stage 3B, 44% at stage 3C and 8% at stage 4.

Colon cancer survival rates also vary depending on where the tumor is located. If the cancerous growth is located in the ascending colon, the 5 year survival rate is 63%, for the transverse colon it is 59% and for the descending colon it is 66%.

Treatment is mainly surgical in which the cancerous section of the bowel is removed and the two open ends are joined. If they can't be joined, a colostomy bag is necessary, in which case the bowel is brought outside the abdominal wall for the bag. Surgery is followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy which improves the survival rate by a further 5-6%.

Overall colon cancer affects men and women of all races equally however, women are more prone to developing colon cancer and men rectal cancer. Being over the age of 50 presents an increased risk factor with the risk for developing the disease increasing with each passing decade. Over 75% of cases are diagnosed in people over the age of 50 however; younger people too are at risk and cannot afford to ignore screening. Smoking, consumption of alcohol, being overweight and living sedentary lifestyles is risk factors as are having a family history of the disease and diabetes.

Since it has been proved that colon cancer survival rates have increased due to increased and improved screening techniques, it is highly recommended that the survival rates be further improved with people over the age of 40 having regular colonoscopies and rectal exams to increase the chances of early detection and treatment.

For more information on colon cancer survival rates please visit: Colon Cancer Survival Rates

Mert Ozge

The Lowdown on Green Tea and Prostate Cancer

Have you heard about green tea and prostate cancer? This very popular beverage features some amazing health benefits that can potentially reduce the risk of getting this form of cancer.

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants help to prevent prostate cancer from spreading. The polyphenols contained in the tea help to inhibit the growth of blood vessels, which prevents the cancer from obtaining more nourishment.

This information is contained in a cancer research magazine. This is why green tea and prostate cancer can be contained in the same sentence. In addition, other tests have shown that men who drink the most green tea have a largely reduced risk of getting the cancer than men who do not drink the tea.

Now, this is not limited to drinking hot tea, iced green tea also has many health benefits. Try not to drink a heavily sugared tea though. There are many fruits and vegetables that can be combined with the tea. For example, grapefruit, apricots, and almonds all feature many of the same prostate cancer preventative traits.

If you do not like to drink tea or you would prefer to have the benefits of the beverage in a supplement form, there are some extremely effective multi-vitamin supplements currently available. These supplements contain all the benefits of the tea in the form of an extract. In addition, it can contain numerous vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbal extracts.

By taking green tea in supplement form, you do not need to worry about caffeine, as it is not in the supplement form of the herb. The benefits found in the supplements also help to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. Only the best supplements contain these amazing health benefits.

If you would like more information on green tea and prostate cancer, along with a powerful multi-vitamin supplement, please visit my site today.

Tom Houser

Tom Houser is an advocate for using natural supplements as part of a healthy lifestyle. He has done extensive research on the topics of nutrition and natural health including the benefits of green tea supplements and your health. Visit his site today! http://www.thesupplementsite.com

Myths Revealed About Skin Cancer and Age Spots

Age spots, liver spots, sun spots or whatever they are called are very often counted to be a sign of skin cancer. People are not always even aware of what different skin marks are - moles, warfs and lentigos are often mixed up with liver spots (Melasma). I will reveal here some of the myths about skin cancer and look quickly into other skin marks also.

Skin Cancer Types

There are three types of skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are generated by direct DNA damage while malignant melanoma is generated by indirect DNA damage. Melanoma is the most dangerous of all skin cancer types with the mortality rate of 15-20 % and it causes ca. 6500 deaths every year in the US while the two first have the mortality rate of only 0.3%.

  • Basal cell carcinoma usually looks like a raised, smooth, pearly bump on the sun-exposed skin of the head, neck or shoulders. Sometimes small blood vessels can be seen within the tumor. Crusting and bleeding in the center of the tumor frequently develops. It is often mistaken for a sore that does not heal. This form of skin cancer is the least deadly and with proper treatment can be completely eliminated with not so much as a single scar.

  • Squamous cell carcinoma is commonly a red, scaling, thickened patch on sun-exposed skin. Ulceration and bleeding may occur. When SCC is not treated, it may develop into a large mass. Squamous cell is the second most common skin cancer, it is dangerous, but not nearly as dangerous as Melanoma.

  • Most melanomas are brown to black looking lesions. Signs that might indicate a malignant melanoma include change in size, shape, color or elevation of a mole. Other signs are the appearance of a new mole during adulthood or new pain, itching, ulceration or bleeding.

Age Spots Are the Sign of Skin Cancer

It is a very common myth that age spots would automatically be a sign of skin cancer. That is definitely not the case. Age spots themselves are very very rarely cancerous. In fact, scientifically thinking the liver spots do not pose any medical problems (except psychological) and are not dangerous in any ways. But the same skin cells can get more damaged and get cancer later (as any other skin cells). This myth is busted.

Age Spots Cause Cancer

I have often heard that skin cancer is stated to be generated by age spots. This "fact" is said because the liver spots have been diagnosed as non-cancerous at first but then later there has been melanoma. It would be easy to say that age spots have caused this cancer but the origin of the cancer is somewhere else - it just happened to be in the same skin cells. This myth is also busted.

If You Have Age Spots Have a Higher Risk to Get Skin Cancer

This myth is true but the answer is not that straight forward. Sun spots and skin cancers can form the same way - sun's UV rays cause changes in DNA. So if you have got sun spots, you have been to sun. And if you have been to sun too much, you have a higher risk to get cancer. Also the areas with sun spots have a higher risk to get cancer as the darker areas absorbs the sun better than the lighter areas.

Other Skin Marks - Can They Be Dangerous

There are several different skin mark types, for example moles, warfs, lentigos, "Café-au-lait"-spots, Becker's melanosis, Halo Neevus... Very often other skin marks are mixed with liver spots and only professional people can tell them from each other. Some skin marks are also very similar to melanoma marks so the doctors very often recommend to remove them, just in case. Melanoma can be suspected by checking the skin marks and their changes. Also new, fast growing mole is suspicious.


Eventhough the age spots themselves are not dangerous, you have a higher risk of getting skin cancer if you have them. Also some other skin marks look very similar to age spots and only specialized dermatologist can tell what they exactly are. To be sure to not have a cancer, one should consult a dermatologist.

Do you have age spots? Do you think they should be removed? Do you have lower self-esteem because of the age spots?

Read about the methods of removing age spots and how to prevent them

Brianna Steen

Breast Cancer Treatment - The Most Effective Treatments For Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is fast becoming an epidemic here in North America, and probably in many other countries as well. I can't say that it's entirely surprising, though. With the dead food diets, and electromagnetic fields, and toxic personal care products, it isn't really very surprising at all. What is surprising, is that women are still subjecting themselves to toxic and barbaric treatment and screening procedures. I guess when fear sets in and you have a supposed expert standing there telling you that your only hope is Chemotherapy or surgery, you just accept it.

As you read every word of this short article, you're going to realize that conventional breast cancer treatments aren't only ineffective, but are downright harmful to your chances of survival. When it comes to treating breast cancer, nature offers far more potent and far less harmful options.

The most effective treatments for breast cancer are not chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. If you've been diagnosed with breast cancer, you want to get well. That is your goal. Now, how in the world do you expect to regain your health and vitality by pumping toxic chemicals into your bloodstream? Chemotherapy kills cancer cells. And it also kills healthy cells. It kills everything in its path. If your cancer happens to go away before you die, then it is deemed a success. It's a huge, billion dollar joke!

And as for radiation...aren't we told to avoid radiation because it causes cancer? If there's a nuclear accident, aren't there huge amounts of cancer cases and birth defects afterward because of radiation? How can it heal the same thing it causes?

I won't even go into surgery. Cutting off bodyparts is sad and barbaric. Your body is beautiful the way it is. Just leave it alone.

Our bodies want to heal themselves. We have our own built in immune system perfectly designed to keep disease out. All we have to do is help it out. All we have to do is reverse the conditions in our body that enabled the breast cancer to get there in the first place.

You have breast cancer because you are toxic. You have breast cancer because you are acidic. You have it because you have low oxygen levels and because your immune system is weak. Natural breast cancer treatments are designed to reverse these conditions inside your body. If you make the environment one that cancer cells can't survive in, guess what will happen? That's right, no more cancer.

Cancer doctors will argue this, and they will use their big medical terms. They will make it seem so complicated, but it really isn't. Your body wants to be in balance and it wants to be breast cancer free. Explore natural treatment options that will restore it back to where it wants to be.

The most effective treatments for breast cancer can be found all around you...all you have to do is take responsibility for your own health and take some action.

Aren't you ready to stop this insanity and restore your body to its natural balance?

You'll discover over 300 natural, non-toxic cancer treatments that will kill your breast cancer when you click here now: Breast Cancer Treatment

Joshua McCarron

Justification For a Mesothelioma Cancer Lawsuit Due to Asbestos Exposure

There has been much talk in the media that Mesothelioma Lawyers are taking advantage of people who are dying or already deceased due to Mesothelioma Cancer. While it is true some Mesothelioma cancer lawyers are making large sums of money in asbestos class action suits and lawsuits, these fees are justified, due to the large amount of time involved in research and in court proceedings.

It takes much time and research to prove that a company and or person was negligent, when employees have been subjected to asbestos exposure in the workplace for example. It is even more time consuming to provide evidence of environmental asbestos exposure such as the case of a demolition or reconstruction site, where asbestos contaminated debris can blow over an entire neighborhood. Therefore, from the point of view of time invested, the fees charged by mesothelioma asbestos lawyers are not out of line.

These mesothelioma lawyers are doing a service to all of the mesothelioma cancer victims and their families, that have been exposed to asbestos in a negligent manner. In addition, each new asbestos class action lawsuit adds more visibility to the problem of asbestos exposure. To this day, many people are not aware of these dangers, even though asbestos and mesothelioma cancer lawsuits have been filed many times since the first one in 1929, against asbestos manufacturers. The lawsuit settlements resulting from these large number of lawsuits has reached into the several billions of dollars. This has helped ease the financial pain endured by the victims and their families.

While these class action lawsuits are a drain on the court systems time and resources, they are successful in bringing some closure to the victims of mesothelioma cancer, as well as their families. At the same time, they maintain the focus of the press on the dangers of asbestos exposure. This will help keep the pressure on the governments of those countries that still have not banned the production of asbestos.

Until the entire world is asbestos manufacturing free, it will continue to be beneficial and justified for any Asbestos or Mesothelioma lawyer to proceed with a new cancer lawsuit whenever and wherever it is warranted.

Asbestos Lawsuit Information provides detailed information on Asbestos Lawsuit, Mesothelioma Lawsuit, Mesothelioma Lawsuit Attorneys, current and past Mesothelioma class actions, and more. Asbestos Lawsuit Information is not affiliated with any law firms.

Asbestos Lawsuit Information provides detailed information on Asbestos Lawsuit, Mesothelioma Lawsuit, Mesothelioma Lawsuit Attorneys, current and past Mesothelioma class actions, and more. Asbestos Lawsuit Information is not affiliated with any law firms

Kevin A Rogers

Stop the Silence - Sean Patrick's Fight Against Ovarian Cancer

The first message that she was dying came by bicycle. Sean Patrick rode up the steep trail on Smuggler Mountain, Aspen, Colorado, on a cool, pre-fall day in 1995. She had spent many summer afternoons biking through the Aspen groves, enjoying the late sun shining patchwork on the trail. Normally energized from the strenuous workout and her daily 15- to 22-mile rides, Patrick was shocked when she became so out of breath that she had to get off the bike to avoid throwing up.

“It was radical,” she says. “I couldn’t get up.” At first she thought she had over trained or suffered from exhaustion from too much traveling. Confirming her ideas, Patrick’s doctor suggested that she slow down and get a hobby. “If you can’t’ slow down,” he said to her, “I can always give you a prescription for Valium.”

After weeks of still not being able to ride or rock climb—her favorite sport—Patrick returned to her doctor, who did blood work, but found nothing obviously wrong. He told her not to worry. It wasn’t until 1997 that she finally found out that she had a rare form of ovarian cancer called Micropapillary Serous Carcinoma. After the late discovery, Patrick endured seven surgeries and, at one point in 2001 after being flown to a hospital via flight for life, doctors told her she wouldn’t live past six weeks.


Patrick did live, and she says, in large part it was due to her experiences in the mountains. She was strong from regularly biking and lifting weights, and she was mentally balanced after decades of rock climbing. The wilderness and leadership skills she gleaned in places like the Rocky Mountains prepared her for the greatest challenge of her life—surviving that six-week ordeal in the hospital.

While on her deathbed in the ICU, a doctor inserted a blood gas line in her body, and it hurt like hell, she says. “I snapped and got angry, and at that moment I came back into my body.” She likens the feeling to being really scared after a rock climbing fall or when she has been stuck on the side of a mountain on a ledge in a thunderstorm. “I would get scared and then angry, and that would act as a catalyst to get moving. I knew if I did not keep moving in the face of my disease that I would not make it.”

Since her extraordinary recovery six years ago, Patrick continues to move rapidly forward. Not only does she still climb and play in the mountains—she topped out on the Grand Teton after 22 hours of climbing through blizzard conditions in 2004—but she also decided to make it her mission to raise awareness and money for the cancer that almost killed her. “My life’s goal is to prevent as many women as possible from going through what I experienced,” she says.

In the last few years Patrick has helped create an ovarian cancer website for the Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, and she regularly travels around the country on speaking engagements. Patrick’s crowning achievement is the non-profit HERA Foundation (Health, Empowerment, Research, Advocacy), which she created in 2002. She organizes Climb For Life events around the country and in Mexico, which bring women and men together to rock climb, do yoga, watch climbing slide shows and films, and, most importantly, learn about and raise money for ovarian cancer.

Friend and Climb for Life volunteer, Deanne Pranke says that Patrick’s climbing events have been incredibly inspirational for thousands of people. “Sean has brought ovarian cancer out in the open and empowered many women such as myself to take charge of our health and educate our loved ones and friends about this kind of cancer.”

Adds Patrick, “The need for perseverance forces women to reach deep inside themselves when they feel like they can’t go further. The lessons you learn from climbing and taking care of yourself in the wilderness translate into successful life strategies on a day to day basis.” In fact, Patrick has never seen a sport as empowering as climbing is for women. “Often when I’ve seen women get to the top of a route in the gym, the transformation on their face is phenomenal,” she explains.


Sean Patrick’s wide smile greets the climbers as they stream into the third-floor room of REI Denver, spring 2004. Running her hand through a shock of white blonde hair, she says she’s nervous when speaking publicly, but her voice is steady and vibrant as she talks about ovarian cancer and the HERA Climb for Life REI Road Tour (now in its third year), sponsored by REI, Black Diamond, and HERA. She speaks to the audience with the fluency of someone who possesses a vast knowledge of the disease and the politics surrounding it.

After her diagnosis, Patrick became a “research maven,” reading everything she could find on the subject and hounding doctors all over the country. With her energetic and insistent attitude, she’s penetrated the wall of scientific jargon to understand her disease. What she learned inspired her to reach out to others.

Since its inception, she says, the foundation has provided doctors with research grants; provided seed grants to a number of small communities, which have allowed them to offer immediate assistance to aid patients with travel, hotel rooms, and childcare while they are undergoing treatment; and established awareness programs throughout the United States.

Patrick has also convinced thousands of women and men to work with her. Among those women are famous alpinist Kitty Calhoun and Salt Lake City, Utah, resident Hillary Silberman. Both women worked with Patrick to create a video highlighting the HERA Foundation and ovarian cancer.

According to Silberman, making the video and volunteering for HERA changed her life. Silberman’s mother died in 2003 from ovarian cancer, and she says that she felt helpless in the face of her mother’s illness. “My involvement with HERA gave me the tools to work with to deal with my mother’s death as well as people to connect with who understand where I’m coming from.”

By being involved and being proactive, Silberman explains, she has done something positive for others by presenting them with information. “I have also done something positive for myself by beginning to think about what I needed to do to protect myself and get early detection.”

With cancer affecting most of the female members of her family, Silberman is at a high risk for contracting the disease, although she doesn’t currently have it. Her nurse practitioner tried to convince her not to worry, but Patrick and the Climb for Life events convinced Silberman to follow through on her own to seek the medical services she needs for early detection. “The feeling of strength, perseverance and tenaciousness that climbing engenders made me not give up when professionals were telling me not to worry.”


As with most female-specific diseases, says Patrick, ovarian cancer has typically been ignored by the medical industry. Despite the fact that it kills women of all ages and more women than all the other gynecological cancers combined, many doctors are ignorant of its symptoms and think the disease affects only the elderly. This, explains Patrick, partially results from the medical field’s traditional focus on men and male-specific diseases.

For example, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality found that “although coronary heart disease (CHD) causes more than 250,000 deaths in women each year, much of the research in the last 20 years on CHD has either excluded women entirely or included only limited numbers of women.”

Additionally, doctors treat women different than men in hospitals. According to a fall 2001 study published in the Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, “women’s pain reports are taken less seriously than men’s, and women receive less aggressive treatment than men for their pain.” Also, women were “more likely to have their pain reports discounted as ‘emotional’ and therefore, ‘not real.’”

“I have had several experiences with this kind of dismissive treatment by both male and female doctors,” says Patrick. “It is a flaw in how medicine is taught—women complain, men don’t, so they take men’s complaints more seriously. To get the best treatment, you have to find a doctor—male or female (one is not better than another in being more empathetic)—that sees you as a person and not a statistical group.”

Although Patrick seeks to change the way doctors view ovarian cancer and other women-specific diseases, she believes it’s more imperative to encourage women to take control of their own health. Ovarian cancer is not a silent killer, she says, “the disease has symptoms, and it’s important that women are made aware of what they are. Women who go to the doctor with gastrointestinal symptoms must make sure that ovarian cancer is ruled out.”

Through climbing, Patrick believes that women can be taught to stand up for themselves. Not only do these events teach women self-reliance, but they are also “places where we can turn our passion for climbing into a passion for making a difference.”

“I think success in climbing no matter what level you climb at—5.4 to 5.14—translates to successful life strategies,” Patrick says. “I want women who are empowered by the mountains to take this back into everyday life, and as it relates to the medical community, I want them to trust their intuition despite their doctor’s contention that they may not have a problem. In climbing and in life, trust yourself.”

For more information on ovarian cancer and the HERA Foundation, please visit the HERA Foundation Website at www.theherafoundation.org. Climb For Life events are held regularly around the country. The next 2007 event will be held in Boulder, Colorado. Registration has started.

Lizzy Scully

HPV - The Human Papilloma Virus and Cervical Cancer

HPV is the abbreviation used for human papilloma virus. HPV causes the disease known as genital warts but it also causes cervical cancer. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the world today.

There are many different types of HPV and not all types cause the wart like lesions to appear in the genital area. In fact most people who have this sexually transmitted disease do not have any outwards sign of its presence.

Statistics suggest that up to 50% of sexually active adults will acquire HPV in their lifetime. A robust immune system will most likely be able to take care of the initial HPV infection so you may never even know that you had it. If you were infected with the type of HPV that causes genital warts you may see the wart like lesions around the genital area, including on the shaft of the penis and the anal area. Women with genital warts may not see any lesions at all if they are confined to the vagina.

The strains of HPV that cause genital warts are classed as low risk viruses whereas the strains that cause cervical cancer are classed as a "high risk".

The link between cervical cancer and sexual activity was first suspected when the observation was made (1841) that nuns were never diagnosed with cervical cancer. At the same time it was noted that cervical cancer was more common in women who were prostitutes. A link between papilloma viruses and cancer was found in research on rabbits but it was not until the human papilloma virus was identified that the link to HPV and cervical cancer was made. This occurred in the late 1970's.

Both the Canadian and American Cancer Society lists other risk factor for cervical cancer as long term exposure to female hormones such as those found in birth control pills, smoking, HIV infection, exposure to certain hormones such as diethylstilbestrol (DES), and genetic factors.

Cervical Cancer

The cervix is the opening of the uterus. When infected with the high risk human papilloma virus strains these cells can become cancerous. Women over 30 are at more risk to develop cervical cancer suggesting that it takes some time for the cancerous changes to occur after the HPV infection. Not all women who are infected with the human papilloma virus will go on to develop cervical cancer.

In the United States cervical cancer is more prevalent among the Hispanic and Black populations who also have a higher mortality from the disease. In Canada higher rates of cervical cancer are seen among the older (ages 40-59), immigrant, aboriginal, and lower socio-economic populations. In both countries it is thought that rates are higher among these populations because of lack of screening, which results in detection at a much later stage of the disease.

The number of deaths from cervical cancer in the last 50 years has decreased dramatically because of the ability to diagnose the disease early with the Pap test. This test bears the name of its originator George Papanikolaou. It is a simple test that requires a sample of cells from the cervix. The tissue is sent to a laboratory for examination under a microscope. Cancerous changes can be detected very early this way and early diagnosis improves success rates for treatment.


When diagnosed early enough cervical cancer can be treated by removing the cancerous cells. This may range from removal of cells confined to the cervix to a complete hysterectomy depending on how advanced the cancer is and whether or not it has spread to lymphatic tissue.


You can lower your risk of developing cervical cancer by limiting the number of sexual contacts and knowing your partner's HPV status. If you are sexually active and not in a monogamous relationship you should use a barrier method of protection with every sexual encounter and undergo regular screening as part of your routine health examination. It is recommended that sexually active women should have a gynecological exam with a Pap smear every three years to age 69.

HPV vaccine

Vaccines have recently come on the market that provide protection from two strains of high risk HPV. Health officials are recommending all young women be vaccinated before they become sexually active. The vaccine is provided free of charge to girls in most provinces in Canada. Many states in the US are attempting to pass legislation requiring the vaccine but to date only 3 have been successful in getting legislation passed.

Beverly Hansen OMalley

Beverly Hansen OMalley is a health promotion specialist and likes to write about health related topics that help people in their daily lives. She is the the owner of http://www.registered-nurse-canada.com where she explores the uniqueness of the nursing profession in Canada including comparison of the nursing entrance tests for the US and Canada, comparison of registered nurse salaries across the country and what it means to have a nursing license

Sunday, 1 March 2009

3 Effective Skin Cancer Treatments

Skin cancer is contracted by approximately 60,000 people in the UK each year. It is normally caused by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light which makes the process of cell division in your skin malfunction. As a result your skin cells start to multiply in a rapid, out of control way leading to the formation of a cancerous tumour which usually appears as a blemish on your skin. Fortunately, most of these cancers are very treatable if caught in the early stages. In this article I am going to be discussing three of the possible skin cancer treatments that are available to you.

  1. SURGERY:- This is the most common treatment for this type of cancer. Smaller tumours can normally be removed under local anaesthetic. However, larger tumours may require a skin graft which involves the cancerous skin being removed and then replaced with a layer of healthy skin taken from another part of the body. If the cancer has spread beyond the skin and to the lymph nodes (glands that help the body get rid of unwanted bacteria) they may also have to be removed through surgery. This type of treatment has few side effects but may result in some permanent scarring of the skin depending upon the size and position of the tumour.
  2. RADIOTHERAPY:- This type of treatment involves using high energy radiation beams to shrink or kill any cancerous cells. It is normally used as an alternative to surgery as it can treat the skin cancer without any scarring. Radiotherapy may also be used following surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells and reduce the chances of the cancer returning. Although radiotherapy does not result in scarring there are a number of negative side effects including a feeling of sickness similar to the flu, general tiredness and hair loss in the affected area. However, these side effects are generally temporary and will stop once the radiotherapy treatment ends.
  3. CRYOTHERAPY:- This type of treatment involves freezing the cancerous cells using liquid nitrogen. It is most effective for early stage skin cancers and may not be possible with more advanced cancers. If this treatment is used the affected skin will scab over and after about a month this scab will fall off. Cryotherapy is a very low risk procedure but there is a small risk of scarring or infection on the area of skin that is treated.

Although skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the UK it is highly treatable with the success rates being particularly high if it is discovered in the early stages. Therefore, if you notice any unusual skin blemishes that have been there for a while go see your doctor right away. It may turn out to be nothing but if it is an early stage cancerous growth your chances of successful treatment will be much higher if you get it diagnosed now instead of leaving it to grow.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Skin cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

Tom Parker owns and operates a number of useful fitness resources and websites. You can learn more about treating skin cancer and how improving your fitness can help you prevent cancer by visiting his Free Fitness Tips Blog

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