Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Cervical Cancer and Its Complementary Treatments

What It Is

The cervix is an organ that is only present in women, and connects the uterus to the vagina. When cells in the cervix start to undergo abnormal changes, known as pre-cancerous changes, then this can represent the early stages of cervical cancer.

There are two types of cervical cancer: squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Of these, we know that the vast majority of cases are squamous cell carcinomas. Cervical cancer can be picked up early and prevented from occurring through regular screening, which is recommended for women of all ages.

Causes of Cervical Cancer

We should make it clear that, as with all cancers, cervical cancer is caused by factors such as a weak immune system, an acidic pH balance, oxygen deprivation and toxins in the body. However, it is also commonly caused by certain types of HPV (human papilloma virus). Some of these can cause genital warts and, as such, cervical cancer can arise as a result of a sexually transmitted infection.

Smoking is also known to lead to cervical cancer, and we know that a combination of an HPV and smoking, or an HPV and another sexually transmitted disease, can lead to a greater level of risk.

Cervical Cancer Symptoms

The most common symptom for cervical cancer, and the one that sends most women to the doctor in the first place, is abnormal vaginal bleeding. This could include bleeding outside of the regular period, bleeding after the menopause or any other type of bleeding.

Pain during sexual intercourse is also known to be a symptom, as is bleeding directly after intercourse. Pain related to sex is known as dyspareunia in the medical community.

Conventional Treatments

If the cancer is confined to the outside layer of the cervix, then we have the option of a number of surgery treatments that can be completed to remove the affected cells. The most common include laser surgery, which kills the cancerous cells using a laser beam; cryosurgery, which is the killing of cancerous cells through freezing; and a cone biopsy, which is when a piece of cervical tissue affected by the cancer is completely removed.

These procedures are fine if the cancer is in its early stages, but if the cancer is invasive and has managed to get inside the outer layer, then a hysterectomy is the most common form of surgery. This could either be a simple hysterectomy or a radical hysterectomy, which is more serious. However, both involve the removal of the uterus, making it impossible to become pregnant.

Chemotherapy and radiation are also commonly used if the cancer has spread, but we would warn you that these include a lot of unpleasant side effects, including hair loss, weakness and nausea.

Alternative and Complementary Treatments

Due to the nature of the side effects associated with conventional treatments, many people opt instead for alternative treatments, which have very few, if any, side effects and provide a far more natural way to cure different types of cancer.

We can recommend the Budwig Diet as one of the most effective alternative therapies in combating any type of cancer, including cervical cancer. This special diet, administered under the guidance of trained experts, has at its heart a very simple idea which has proved time and time again to be a powerful anti-cancer treatment.

The basic premise of this completely natural alternative treatment is that in order to grow, cancer cells require glucose. The Budwig Diet aims to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood through reducing the amount of sugar in the diet of the cancer patient, and is one of the most effective alternative treatments. However, some programmes go even further and recommend the complete absence of sugar from the diet. This leads to the body using less insulin, and the cancer cells therefore cannot grow.

The Budwig Diet should be specially administered, but at its heart it is a diet rich in raw vegetables, which prevents sugars from being consumed. The immune system also strengthens as a result, allowing the body to fight the weakened cancer cells more effectively.

As well as the Budwig Diet, we can also recommend a number of other alternative therapies which aim to combat cancerous cells in the body. These consist of emotional healing, which is the balancing of the meridian through the increasing of inner strength; biophotonic light therapy, which is the targeting of cancer cells using completely natural UV rays; massage therapy, which is the use of different types of massage to stimulate the circulation of energy; and techniques such as using SCIO Energetic Frequency Equipment, which aims to destroy the cancer cells through mechanical vibration.

Rob Griggs

The Mariposas Clinic is a wellness center and clinic specializing in alternative and complementary treatments for cervical cancer and other forms of cancer and serious illnesses. For more information on their treatments, please visit

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