Thursday, 20 January 2011

One of 7 Ways to Fight Cancer - Add Oxygen and Increase the PH of Your Water to Fight Cancer

It is important to our bodies health to have a pH of 7.4. With a pH of 7.4 and a higher oxygen level in you body you have a better chance of keeping diseases away. Breast cancer and Prostate cancer are two prevalent diseases that Alkaline Antioxidant water can fight. A water appliance adds oxygen and can make pH water from ll.0 to 2.7. The pH from 8.5 to 9.5 are for your drinking oxygenated water and helps you fight cancer and other diseases. The pH of 6.0 (acidic water) is helpful in firming and toning the skin. The strong acidic water of 2.7 is excellent in disinfection in and around the kitchen. The pH of 11 is used to remove pesticides and preservatives from fruits and vegetables. The water pH of 6.0 is good for cats to reduce the risk of crystals developing in their bladders.

Our bodies transport oxygen to our cells via the blood. When the body's blood becomes more acidic (lower pH) less oxygen gets carried to the cells. The less oxygen leads to weakened immune system which reduces the body's ability to fight cancer, other diseases, and bacteria and so on.

People can raise their pH level with foods such as fruits and vegetables. Individuals lower their pH with protein, grains, beans, dairy, beverages such as soft drinks, sports drinks, etc.

Fight Cancer By Drinking Alkaline Antioxidant Water

Alkalinity is very important. Keeping the body alkaline helps the body work better and helps fight cancer, ageing and other diseases.

Alkaline Antioxidant Ionization Water Appliances add oxygen and raise the pH of your water. When you eat foods that are acidic, drink sodas and other liquids that are acidic your body will produce toxic wastes. These toxic wastes get in the way of normal functioning of the millions of cells that make up each organ. Abnormal functioning can result in cancer, heart disease and so on.

You can drink water from an Alkaline Antioxidant Water Appliance to bring your body to a healthy oxygen pH level. This will help keep your body healthy. When you have positive results from drinking Alkaline Antioxidant Water your physician may recommend you reduce or discontinue medications. Of course check with you physician when your symptoms improve or disappear before discontinuing your medications.

Joan Lynch is a CNMT (Certified Nuclear Medicine Technologist) with a BS in Computer Management Science. For a FREE REPORT click on the following link and fill in your information. Oxygenated Water

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