Friday, 21 August 2009

The Doctor's Advice on How to Fight and Prevent Cancer

All throughout my medical career I have encountered patients who are in the fight of their lives against cancer. Although there is no publicly known cure for cancer, people fail to realize that is can still be beaten. Through this article I will show you a few simple ways that you can lower your prevention and fight this devastating disease.

From what I have learned through medical school, cancer is mainly a grouping of related diseases that have to do with cellular functions. Right now there are over 100 different types of cancer and they can affect every organ in your body. Cancer typically occurs when cells that are not normal grow and spread rapidly. Normal cells grow and divide and know to stop growing. Cancer cells just continue to grow and divide out of control and don't die when they're supposed to.

The tips I am going to provide you are for both lowering your potential risk and fighting cancer. Keep in mind that there are many other ways, but I want to give you the ones which I feel can help you the best.

1) Participate in Raw Juicing

I have been raw juicing for the past 5 years, and it is the best thing I can possibly do for myself. Each day people are required to eat more fruits and vegetables but they do the opposite. What I see is that they will consume more fats and oils from fast foods and others. From what I have been saying on my personal website, a healthy body is more powerful than it is given credit for. Instead of worrying about eating a whole apple or a few carrots, you can purchase a small juicer and put everything into one, so to speak. It helps you to get all your nutrients and save a great deal of time.

2) Consume more Antioxidants

In the fight against cancer, antioxidants help to strengthen your immune system immensely. People do not realize that your immune system is heavily damaged when cancer attacks. A few sources of antioxidants you should look into are vitamins a through e, green tea, zinc, and soy. I make sure that I at least have one cup of green tea per day after a healthy breakfast.

3) Improve you Mental Health Status

Believe it or not, when you get a sickness it really takes a toll on your mental health. In turn, the lowered mental health state adversely affects your immune system. It is sort of like a domino affect. Many of my patients that I deal with say they love to go outdoors and spend time with friends in order to prevent stress. Look at it this way, the happier you are the healthier you become. Just imagine the damage that can be done to your system when you are always stressed out and sad.

4) Get Plenty of Exercise

From a medical standpoint, exercise is highly beneficial to overall health. All of you reading this article should understand that exercise is needed to help strengthen your immune system and keep body fat levels low. If you do not get great exercise, you will increase your risk for cancer and also increase your risk of obesity. I see cancer and obesity as going hand in hand. The more body fat you are carrying around, the more stress is it on your body. This will do a great deal of harm to your immune system and then this factor will increase your risk of developing cancer. The exercises I love to advise my patients to get into are running, jogging, strength training, and swimming.

5) Consume Distilled Water

Ever since I did research on distilled water, I have decided to permanently switch over from spring water. Based on my findings steam distilled water is mainly pure H20. The water coming from the faucet and bottled spring waters contain many toxins and chemicals ranging from chlorine and fluoride to magnesium. Drinking distilled water will in fact help your body to fight off and release toxins without the burden of dealing with newly introduced chemicals.

Overall, cancer can be beaten just like many other "deadly" diseases. There are many more excellent tips on cancer. I really hope this information has helped you in some way or another.

Dr. Davon Jacobson, MD

My name is Dr. Davon Jacobson, and I have decided to create a website dedicated strictly to health. I provide you with many detailed articles and nutrition tips. You can visit my site at this web address:

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