Saturday, 15 August 2009

Brain Tumours and Their Complementary Treatments

What It Is

Brain tumours are slightly different from other forms of cancer in that there are over 100 types of different tumour. Some of these are malign, whilst some of them can be malignant.

Like all cancers, a brain tumour occurs due to an abnormal growth of cells. Brain tumours can affect any part of the brain, and can also be found on the inside of the skull.

They can also consist of primary tumours (tumours which start in the brain) and secondary tumours (tumours which have started in another part of body and have spread to the brain).

Causes of Brain Tumours

All cancers are essentially caused by a number of factors, and we know that toxins in the body, oxygen deprivation, an acidic pH balance and a weak immune system can all be to blame.

However, when it comes to brain tumours we know that there are a few specific factors that can lead to their formation. Generally, brain tumours are more common in older people, although they can occur in people of all ages. As well as that, a history of cancer in the family will make it more likely to become victim to a brain tumour. Although less likely, radioactivity has also been proven to influence the growth of brain tumours.

Brain Tumour Symptoms

There are countless symptoms associated with brain tumours. The most common symptom by far is a headache or a series of headaches. Headaches can be particularly painful, or they can seem quite normal. Most people visit the doctor when they have suddenly started experiencing headaches with greater frequency or intensity.

As well as headaches, other common symptoms include nausea, dizziness, fits, memory loss and drowsiness. An increase in the pressure in the head, known as raised ICP, is another common symptom. This is caused by a brain tumour growing and putting pressure on the inside of the head. However, we should clarify that all of these symptoms can be symptoms of less serious conditions, so although they should be checked out, none of them should cause undue alarm.

Conventional Treatments

The type of treatment required depends on the stage of the brain tumour. Surgery is often required to remove the tumour, but this will be dictated by the position of the tumour. Sometimes the tumour can be too near to a very sensitive area and it can therefore be too risky. If it is not possible to remove the whole tumour then sometimes only a part of it is removed, but this can still help.

Surgery can be very risky, and it can also lead to infection and bleeding in some cases. Due to the proximity of the surgery area to crucial parts of the nervous system, it can also lead to partial paralysis of the face and vision loss.

Radiation and chemotherapy are also options when it comes to treating brain tumours, but these come with harsh side effects including loss of hair, drowsiness and nausea.

Radiosurgery is also used to treat brain tumours. This involves directing powerful beams of radiation directly at the tumours, killing them without damaging the rest of the surrounding area. However, this can also lead to headaches and fatigue.

As all treatments can sometimes lead to problems with speech, thought and vision, they may often require some sort of follow-up treatment as well as the initial treatment.

Alternative and Complementary Treatments

One of the most effective alternative treatments that we know of is actually one of the simplest, and it comes in the form of a diet. The Budwig Diet is a specially-formulated diet designed specifically to beat cancer in a natural but powerful way, with no side effects.

This diet is based on the principle that all cancer cells, including those in brain tumours, require glucose in order to grow. By reducing the amount of glucose in the blood, the cancerous cells cannot grow. This therefore requires the patient to reduce their sugar intake completely, preventing the cancer cells from growing and strengthening the immune system at the same time to fight them.

The Budwig Diet is one of the most effective alternative therapies, but we can also recommend a number of other alternative treatments that can be used to treat brain tumours. One of the most effective is known as bio-photonic light treatment. This is when natural UV rays are used to target the cancer cells directly, killing them over a period of treatment with no damage to the rest of the body.

High body-temperature therapy is another of the most effective alternative treatments that sees high success rates. This involves the heating of the body to produce a special type of sweat that is packed full of harmful toxins. Reducing the level of toxins in the body provides a completely natural way to treat the cancer.

But there are many more types of alternative therapies for brain tumours, including emotional healing, SCIO therapies, ultra sound and massage therapy. These can all be used alongside the Budwig Diet, and due to their natural properties there is no limit on which types of treatment can be used alongside each other to increase the chances of destroying the cancer.

Rob Griggs

The Mariposas Clinic is a wellness center and clinic specializing in alternative and complementary treatments for cancer and other serious illnesses. For more information on their treatments, please visit

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