Sunday, 27 February 2011

How To Use Time Travel To Kill Cancer Cells

My, what a high sounding, futuristic title! Better yet, what if the implications are true and achievable by any and all cancer patients? As a matter of fact, this is quite true and has been successfully expressed in the lives of many of those exceptional patients who were just not willing to be good patients and die within the bounds of medical propriety in compliance with some oncologists death sentence. These are the people who risk the wrath of medical science by getting well for the wrong reason.

I once attended one of Dr. Herb Benson's Harvard Med School seminars on Spirituality in Healing. One of many gems of wisdom that I remember from that highlight event was a statement to the effect that mankind is the only creature endowed with a memory of the future. He further emphasis that very real value can be derived from "remembered wellness".

When I first started out on my death struggle with metastatic kidney cancer, I was aware that much of what I needed to know to best survive would have to be learned the hard way by diligent effort and my own research. It was clear early on that the information dispensed by my oncologist would be of a nature that he deemed sufficient for me and would go no farther, regardless of a valid need to know. In retrospect and in fairness, I don't think he really knew much beyond the protocols. Certainly nothing of such matters that are embraced by the field of Mind/Body medicine.

Few newly diagnosed patients are even aware of a remarkable book, "Imagery and Disease", published by Dr. Frank Lawlis in 1978. A later book by Dr. Bernie Siegel, "Love, Medicine and Miracles" was published in 1986 which further expanded the role of the mind in healing cancer. Out of these came a cancer fighting technique called "Guided Imagery" by which commands to the immune system to track down and kill cancer cells are conveyed to the subconscious right brain by visual images while the patient is in a state of deep relaxation.

The value of this technique derives from utilizing all of the following facts about cancer.

? There has never been a form of cancer that has not had at least a few survivors.

? These are typically referred to as "miracle remissions", but little in the way of research has been done with these survivors to understand what triggers a remission. We tend to look at death, not life, when it comes to cancer research.

? There is no cancer cell that cannot be killed by one or more of the elements of the human immune system, if they can just get into the attack mode.

? Every cancer cell has on its surface an identifying marker called "Antigen" which, if recognized, will result in the cancer cell being attacked and killed by immune cells. Instructions to attack can be conveyed, via imagery, using a direct neural path.

By far the best way for the patient to pursue this treatment modality is with the help of a guide, usually a voice on a CD, who literally guides the relaxed patient through scene after healing scene. In my case, I was really under the gun since, treatments having failed, I was told that I had only three more months to live. Realizing the futility of wasting any more time with a failed medical system, I pursued GI with focused intensity. One of the key elements of the imagery program was one wherein I found myself, some five years hence, speaking to a large crowd of cancer patients, telling them how I was able to orchestrate a program of remission. Thus, as far as all sensory perception goes, I was actually working some five years in the future in a situation that had all of the trappings of reality. I did this twice a day for months on end. I would visualize the auditorium, the steps to the podium, what the audience looked like (particularly those on the front row) and a myriad of other details of the scene, including the speech itself. The details of what happened, both in my life and those of others, are related in my recent book, "THREE MONTHS TO LIFE". Needless to say, I did not die as I was assured by competent authority that I would, but was able to kill out the cancer cells in three months time.

It was not too long after that when I attended the annual meeting of the Kidney Cancer Association in Chicago. This was a three day affair that was attended in those days by a mixture of patients and doctors. The highlight event was the "Survivors Banquet" held on the Saturday night before the meeting closed on Sunday. The schedule called for a well know keynote speaker to make the formal address. For whatever reason, this illustrious speaker cancelled just hours before the affair and left the committee in a desperate state of affairs. Since my story was fairly well known, they asked me if I could deliver this talk without time for preparation. I assured them that I could as I had been giving this speech twice a day for well over a year! It was a smashing success and I actually won the audience survey for the best presentation of that three day conference.

Now let us fast forward through a decade to the present and the real story behind this article. Last December, there came to my house one Danny Newman, who was near death from metastatic lung cancer, his treatments having failed. His daddy brought him and we helped them into the front door and to a comfortable chair with all the oxygen bottles attending. To tell the truth, Lucy and I were actually fearful that he would die before our eyes but that did not keep us from having an in depth session wherein I took him through both my experience and that of others given in the book.

Danny was surprised to find so much really good science behind this concept and his mind was fully open to possibilities. I sent them on their way with reading material and a copy of my guided imagery CD. In regard to the latter, I strongly recommended to him that he develop the concept of the speech to cancer patients some years into the future.

You can imagine my surprise when late one night in April, my phone rang and it was Danny who just could not wait until morning to tell me that he had just got back from the oncology center and THEY COULD NOT FIND A SINGLE CANCER CELL IN HIS BODY! This is such marvelous news that it is difficult to explain its effect to one who has not personally experienced it. Now by some curious coincidence, I was scheduled to be the monthly speaker at the upcoming meeting of Shriners here in Granbury. I decided to play a real wild card for a slam bang finish. There was not a dry eye in the place when I turned the mike over to Danny to close with his story which, in effect, gave him the opportunity to deliver the speech he had been visualizing for so long, exactly as I had been privileged to do in Chicago a decade ago. With teary eyes, he realized that, from the farthest reaches of his hopes, his visualization of a future event had now become a magnificent reality.

I have not a doubt in my mind that there is a valid scientific explanation, bordering as it does on the spiritual, for what happened in our lives a decade apart. I believe that the effect of continually pounding this image into the subconscious mind empowered it with the command to deliver us alive and well to the appointed event when its place in the chronology of time had finally arrived. In chapter nine of my book, I recount how I was privileged to work with one of the eminent scientists of our time, Dr. Andreas Bette of the Royal Technology Institute in Stockholm.. His field embraced such things as black holes, parallel universes, and massless particles. He felt that human thought was composed of massless particles and, as such, were not bound by the laws that govern time and space. This appeared to give some credence of the notion of slipping out of time and space and subsequently returning. As he put it to me, you have to be a little crazy to work in this field. Whatever the case, I have come to believe that the following statement is true and it is one for which I would like to be remembered as the author, to wit:


To those readers now engaged in the fight, I would strongly recommend that you approach this matter with an open mind - a mind that is open to the possibility that it IS possible, you CAN defeat cancer.


Saturday, 26 February 2011

Catalyst Oncology And Its Deeper Perspective

Oncology is basically the study of cancer. The cases of cancer have been increasing as the world's getting modernized. Not all cancer is actually caused by the modernization, though. Because the number one cause of it is unknown, medically speaking, it is idiopathic. Mostly the secondary cause has been the genes, lifestyle and the environment. There have been numerous medical ways in dealing with cancer and one of it is the catalyst oncology. Catalyst oncology is one of its kind laboratories that deal with all about of the cancer to a patient. It actually helps cancer patients deal with their disease, from diagnosing up to their treatments.

Prevention is better than cure. The medical society has been postulating many different ways to prevent cancer or early detections has been encouraged to increase the prognosis and the chance of surviving. Diagnosing has been the first step of the catalyst oncology. It also is the most concern of the oncologists and the hardest of it is telling the patient that they have acquired cancer. Detections of unusual symptoms such as changing of bowel movements as well as unusual bleeding and thickening lumps are just three of the signs and symptoms that must undergo series of diagnostics before the confirmation of cancer. It is not easy to diagnose cancer. However, there are physical tests that can be performed by each person to detect some problems in the body such as the breast self examination (BSE) and the testicular self-examination (TSE). There have been a lot of physical examinations and tests, blood works and biopsies in confirming cancer. CT scans, MRI, x-ray, endoscopy and many others and the gold standard to diagnose cancer is the biopsy, are just few of the laboratory examinations included in catalyst oncology.

It is a fact that doctors, or to be specific, oncologist knew that there has still no sole medicine that can cure cancer or total eradication of the disease per se. However, there have been known medical interventions to prevent the metastasis or the removal of the tumor and these includes the chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. Different measures are generally called radical treatments. It would be through the surgical removal of the diseased part and use multi-dose medicines called chemotherapy. The use of radiation is also found to be helpful in treating cancer. Strictly following the therapy and treatment regimen are the first elements that must be taken into consideration when the person undergoes such. These interventions are only for the early stages of cancer. The most extreme or what they call the terminal stage will no longer use these measures, palliative therapy, or relieving the symptoms are the only possible ways that can be given by those medically-inclined professionals when death is very imminent, it may be in the matter of months, weeks, or worst, days.

It is good to know that there are also half of the total cases of cancer patients survived through the used of radical treatments. Take for example the pediatric cancer such as the leukemia, and bone marrow transplant has been found effective in treating the disease. Unfortunately, almost 50% unsuccessfully survived.

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Friday, 25 February 2011

Failure to Diagnose Cancer

A recent study of breast cancer patients in the initial stages of cancer symptoms conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School found that about 25% of these patients experienced a process of care failure leading up to their diagnosis. This implies that one of every four of the patients in this study could have received a more timely diagnosis if not for the failure to properly observe and treat their patients.

The majority of these failures in process occurred during improper or inadequate examinations. Delayed diagnosis and failure to diagnose is not limited to breast cancer. Each type of cancer provides particular obstacles to proper diagnosis. Though all forms of cancer are a result of malignant growth of cells, not all forms of cancer behave in the same manner. Therefore, it is crucial to properly diagnose cancer so that efficient and effective treatment can be administrated.

A failure to diagnose cancer can have fatal implications. Because of the significantly differing methods of treating different types of cancer, proper and timely diagnosis is vital to the well-being of a patient. The Harvard study, published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, suggests that there are often breakdowns in the diagnostic process regarding both clinicians and patients. Patients do have certain responsibilities for seeking treatment. A doctor can provide no care for a patient who does not seek it. But the failure of doctors to diagnose represents a lack of professional care that patients expect in such potentially harmful situations.

Delayed diagnosis and failure to diagnose is unfortunately more common than many would expect. With significant advances in cancer research and cancer treatment, proper diagnosis can be the key to the effective treatment of a potentially life-threatening disease.


Thursday, 24 February 2011

Simple Ways to Help Your Body Overcome Cancer

Once upon a time many years ago diseases like cancer were mostly unheard of. There was a time when our environment was that of balance, where the things we took into our bodies didn't cause us the harm as they do today. Practically everything we put into our bodies today is full of environmental toxins and pollutants. These toxins are causing our bodies to develop diseases like Cancer and a whole host of other problems for us. We are in a constant battle with pollution and it affects every single person in this world, to one extent or another. There is no avoiding it, but there is an elegant and even simple way to battle this intrusive and invisible killer.

Consider this; back in the 1900's when we started the use of chemical fertilizers in farming is when people started to have real problems with the diagnoses of cancer. In 1900, 41,000 Americans died of Cancer, a death rate of about 64 people per 100,000 Americans. In 1994 this number nearly tripled where over 1,250,000 people in America were diagnosed with cancer and 547,000 of those would die from this plague by 1995. It is now 2011 and the rate is now 1 in every 3 people with cancer will die. Why have these numbers raised so much in the years that have passed? It is because the environment that we have made ourselves is now killing us all, slowly over time and it is now unavoidable no matter where you live.

It is a true fact that environmental pollution is traveling our jet stream and rains its poisonous rain down on us all no matter where we live. The battle we wage against environmental pollution is failing. We must look within to battle this problem instead of facing it from the outside, where environmentalists are failing in their effort to clean up our world. The problem is the world isn't on their side, so unfortunately to us it seems we are losing this battle. Fortunately for us there is a solution to aid our bodies in the removal of environmental pollutants from our bodies and promote balance back into our lives. Right now the balance that should be in our world is nonexistent, and disease and illness are a direct result of our environmental contamination.

We must aid our bodies in the removal of environmental pollution because what your body is unable to remove naturally, it is forced to absorb into tissues and organs. Overtime these toxins causes the balance in your body to shift from alkaline to acidic, where diseases like cancer can take over and your battle to stay alive begins. There is no cure in this world other than your own body, your body is the only thing that can cure and heal. No doctor, no drug and no natural remedy can cure, only your body has that ability. Once you help your body in removing these pollutants, then and only then can it begin to heal itself and overcome many different types of diseases. Environmental pollution is the root cause of 95% of the problems we face today. So, why not take a chance, remove them and see your body's ability to heal itself, it is absolutely amazing what your body is capable of.

We are Brothers committed to helping people of all ages remove and eliminate their toxic burden which can be a protective measure against disease and illness. We have a natural scientifically proven method that will remove this burden and has zero side effects and may make you feel as though you have found the fountain of youth! Visit our website to learn more.


Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Is the War on Cancer Making Any Progress?

We have come a long way with cancer and if you ask someone if progress has been made on the war with cancer many will say yes! For decades there have been changes and adjustments to cancer related issues and even though there has been a great amount of progress made many feel we have a long way to go with plenty of ground yet to march on.

Many people have died from cancer but at the same time we are seeing more survivors and more people living longer after diagnose. Treatment program options have changed and are being updated to provide the most effect treatment for cancer patients but research and clinical trials are things that still take time and patience to us understand the effects of cancer.

Over the years new forms of cancer have been detected and diagnosed along with research and treatment options. The cancer war has involved many steps that have been studied, tried, treated, adjusted, and repeated over again and though we have reached milestones we can't say that we have won just yet but with time we seem to be getting closer. We are making progress but at the same time it's a win lose complicated battle.

So what is considered progress and to what degree? Depending on the type of cancer the concerns will vary but over the years cancer awareness has greatly increased with the public getting more involved in fundraising efforts, forums, and more. Funding for cancer research and treatment has gone through the roof and there are so many resources that are available to help get educated on cancer such as books, videos, and etc. Even cancer survivors are primal resources and a form of support to those who are newly diagnosed.

Treatment options are adjusted and refreshed as needed to help those suffering but over the last several years becoming aware of cancer has help people decrease their risk by taking advantage of preventive measures such as screenings, healthy eating, and exercising. Studies from researchers have shown that prevention is a big key in lowering cancer risks. Progress has been made because more people have taken an interest in cancer issues including community advocates and those going to school to become a specialist or doctor.

Just because progress has been made doesn't mean we won't win the battle but it will take time, patience, and hard work with persistence. We have to continue building on the progress that has been made in order to come out on top. Where progress has been made we look at what else can be done to make things even better and this can include ways to expand research, how to get the best out of treatment options, and applying current experiences to enrich ideas and concepts.

Even though a lot has happened since the National Cancer Act of 1971 some feel that enough isn't being done and that politicians and government officials can do more toward the war on cancer.


Guides of Vegetable Dishes To Prevent Cancer and Other Illnesses

About 25 to 30 percent of our daily food should be fresh vegetable dishes, which can be prepared in a wide variety of cooking styles: sauteing, steaming, boiling, blanching, deep-frying, marinating, and pressed and boiled salads. Among root and stem vegetables, carrots, onions, daikon (white radishes), turnips, red radishes, burdock, lotus root, rutabagas, and parsnips are excellent. When preparing root vegetables, cook both the root and the leaf portions so as to achieve a proper balance of nutrients by using the whole food.

Among vegetables from the ground, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, acorn squash, butternut squash, and pumpkin are quite nutritious and may be used daily. Among green and white leafy vegetables, watercress, kale, parsley, leeks, scallions, dandelions, collard greens, bok choy, carrot tops, daikon greens, turnip greens, and mustard greens are fine for regular use. Vegetables for occasional use include cucumbers, lettuce, string beans, celery, sprouts, yellow squash, peas, red cabbage, mushroom (various, including shiitake), and others. In general, up to one-third of vegetable intake may be eaten raw in the form of fresh salad or traditionally prepared pickles. However, it is better to avoid mayonnaise and commercial salad dressings.

Vegetables that originated historically in tropical or semi-tropical environments, such as egg-plants, potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, spinach, sweet potatoes, yams, avocados, green and red peppers, and other varieties, tend to produce acid and should be avoided or minimized unless you live in a hot and humid climate. However, for some conditions, including some types of cancer, tropical or semi-tropical foods may be taken in small volume.

This vegetable dishes' guide not only can prevent cancer but also most of other illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and many others. For those people who already have cancer or a precancerous condition, adjustments or modifications need to be made depending on the specific case, and it is advisable to do so under the supervision of a qualified macrobiotic teacher or medical professional.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Cancer Prevention And Green Tea

Most of us are scared stiff of developing cancer. That is quite understandable - who wants to spend a couple of years undergoing chemotherapy only to die a couple of years later? Or even if you recover it is a couple of years out of your life that have been worrying and grueling. And not merely for the patient but for friends and family too.

So, individuals do everything they can to reduce the risks of developing cancer. Most of us do not think we know how to do this, others are not certain, but they have heard or read something that sounds 'about correct' and others are convinced that they know how to avoid developing cancer.

My wife is certain that I may get cancer from eating burnt toast and others are convinced that they can stave off cancer by saturating their body with green tea. It has frequently been pointed out and for decades as well, that countries where green tea is the norm, say the Far East, have a much lower incidence of cancer than we do in the West.

And this is probably a fact at the moment. But why is it true? I live in Asia and diabetes is the number one killer near me. Do Asians not get cancer as much as we do because they drink green tea or for other reasons?

In fact, where I live in Northern Thailand, I have never seen anyone drink tea or coffee or accept a cup off me, except my wife. Villagers here drink water or alcohol, depending on the time of day. Kids love Cola or Sprite or whatever because they watch as well much TV, but drink a lot of water.

It is stated that green tea is an anti-oxidant and it is alleged that anti-oxidants help eliminate free radicals which can cause cancer. If this is true, then the claims for green tea are perhaps more believable.

However, the claims are so all-encompassing that it makes me sceptical. I am reading a report just now that claims that green tea will prevent the growth of cancerous cells in the: "... aesophagus, bladder, on the skin, in the ovaries, the pancreas and the prostate".

That is a very tall order indeed.

The difficulty for me with all these claims is that they are not substantiated - there are no references that you can follow that do not lead to companies selling green tea. This is a difficulty.

Some will say that the government or the pharmaceutical companies are suppressing the knowledge because they want to sell more expensive drugs - and this might be true - grist to the mill for conspiracy theorists and retailers of Chinese tea.

Now that we appear to be entering into a 'new era', a more sceptical and more progressive era (thanks a great deal to the World Wide Web), couldn't someone do some investigation on green tea and Acai berries and all the rest of the stuff you read about in your junk emails and put an end once and for all to the false dreams, if that is what they are, that we are being sold every day by unscrupulous advertisers looking for a quick dollar?


Monday, 21 February 2011

Curing Cancer Naturally, A Much Better Way

While fighting cancer is not an easy task, millions of people worldwide have done it successfully. Fighting cancer is easier if you are mentally prepared and fully educated on the subject. We wrongly presume that cancer cells must be removed from the body by our three ways of treating the disease but there are other ways to treat cancer rather than just accepting surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. It's because our bodies have a natural inherent capacity to heal themselves when you apply the right conditions.

To fight cancer naturally it is important to realize that the body has a protective defence system which is called the immune system which can actively seek out and destroy cancer cells. This system requires good nutrition and other lifestyle changes to achieve this. It is because this system had been weakened by the way we now live and that has allowed cancer cells to take hold and multiply. So it's common sense to make these simple lifestyle changes and strengthen the immune system to fight the cancer?

It has long been known that all cancers, no matter where they appear in the body are related to the food we choose to eat and the food we don't eat. That is, there are 2 types of food, those that cause cancer cells to grow and those foods that cause cancer cells to die. By making simple changes to the food you eat you are dealing with the reason why cancer first grew which makes much more sense instead of just removing growths. By just remove the cancerous growths the body will only make more cancer again but somewhere else in the body.

Our mainstream treatments of radiation and chemotherapy depress your natural immune system, the very mechanism that fights off all diseases. When you get these treatments, you are killing your body's natural ability to fight cancer. Don't ever forget that. Care, not treatment is the answer. Facilitating the God given healing capacity that all of us have is the key. Improving the diet, exercise and lifestyle are basic.

Curing cancer naturally means consuming live food which is food in its natural state instead of processed food. Any food item that's been processed has lost its nutritional value and that is just one of the reasons why there is so much cancer today. The quality of food has deteriorated due to the way it's been refined and processed so if people are eating mainly processed foods our bodies are nutritional deprived.

Our bodies were built to be physically active and that is because our immune system needs muscular activity to function properly. To fight cancer naturally we need a healthy immune system and one way to help achieve that is with exercise. It is important.

Other contributing factors to cancer are the many chemicals we surround ourselves with and believe they are safe for us to use. Many of these chemicals are in the homes we live in as they are in personal care products which we apply directly to the skin.

The most powerful weapon you have to become cancer free is the food you choose to eat everyday. Curing cancer naturally, it does work for those that can make the necessary changes.


Sunday, 20 February 2011

There Is a Love Story - How to Care For a Spouse With Cancer

After five years of being sweethearts, Joel and May eventually tie the knot. Their love story would have been a typical event of common lovers, except that May was diagnosed with malignant tumor clinically a diagnosis of Cervical Cancer stage IV. Joel already knew of this disease even before they got married. But he loved her too much to even think twice of marrying her. During their honeymoon, Joel made love to her only once and after that she was hurried to the nearest hospital. The doctor explained to Joel that due to the sensitivity of her disease and her fragile stage he could not continue a physical contact with May. Every day of their married life, Joel kept vigil at her side. He cooked meals, washes their clothes, feed and work at the same time to provide the need of her wife. Every one on Joel's side of family was adamant with his actions. They thought that Joel had lost his mind and will waste years of his life caring and loving a sickly woman who could not reciprocate his needs as a husband. And after ten months of being married and 5 years and 10 months of being together, May took her last breath beside her loving husband. During the funeral mass, Joel expresses his love and happiness during the short period of being married to a woman who now laid to rest.

He told the gathering family and friends at the chapel, "Every one of you may think that I have wasted my 10 months of being with a woman who has no strength to cook dinner for me, or to even iron the clothes I will wear for office. You may have thought also that I'm a person who just gives charity that's why I married her. I have to say, all of these are wrong. And if you are hearing my words now babe, I want to whisper the same words all over again. The words I vowed and promise to you when I ask for your hands. I will care for you, I shall provide all the things you needed and want. I will be the loving husband you expect me to... And I have to say sorry for the last time. I'm sorry because I wasn't able to do all these... I'm sorry because I could not take the pain you are feeling when your cancer strikes... I'm sorry because I could only hold your hands and watch you feel the excruciating pain... I'm sorry because I'm only human and I could not provide longer life for you... And I'm sorry because I love you too much to give you up...

Oftentimes we measure our love for the person through the things or needs that we want reciprocated. We forgot the real meaning of love and the real joy from loving. For ten months of being with the woman he love, Joel did not see the odd situation. He did not intentionally fail to see the difficulty of his situation. What he saw is the feeling of love with a woman who has to go through a physical pain. And what he felt is the joy of giving up his life to be with a woman he loves. In being selfless, Joel discovers the real joy of loving. And he confesses to the people at the chapel that even in death he sees May as beautiful as the day he married her to the same chapel she now laid to rest.


Dealing With Cancer Through Homeopathy


Cancer has reached almost every household in today's era of lack of exercise, healthy food habits, addictions, stress and moral famine. The overall treatment options available in the medical 'market' outside provide pain more than the relief. Various kinds of surgeries, radiations and newer chemotherapy drugs are posing threat to the 'quality of life' of an individual, in their own ways and methods. Apart from the treatment options, the patient is getting bogged down by the battery of investigations and imaging requisitions, often without assessing the case clinically. The pain of cancer has thus extended, from mere physical or emotional sphere, to moral and financial downfall. The patient is getting exhausted and emptied in all sense, and what s/he gets in return? Nothing but a different form of suffering. Is there anything that we as homeopaths can offer?

Most of the patients we meet at our clinics are already in an advanced stage of cancer, or have already undergone a couple of cycles of chemotherapy for the respective malignancy. They pose three significant questions to a homeopath:

1. Do you offer anything for cancer, and if yes, what is its scope?

2. Is it safe to take homeopathy simultaneously with chemotherapy? Won't that affect the efficacy of either of them?

3. Can you prescribe anything on the preventive basis for the patient to avoid the recurrence or to the rest of the family?

We will try to discuss all such issues...

I have heard a lot of claims by the eminent homeopaths of my city to CURE the cancer, but I think let's not cheat patients and homeopathy. I do not doubt the efficacy of homeopathy, but if we make such claims without statistically and objectively proving it, the medical faculty will obviously accuse us for mis-guiding the patients, in turn diluting the faith of the public towards our system.

Apart from its effect against the malignant growth, I have seen homeopathy doing wonders by -

1. Dealing with the mental trauma that the cancer diagnosis causes, with further depression and hopeless mental state.

2. Reducing the side-effects of chemotherapy, especially in cases of CINV (chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting).

3. Relieving the pains in the terminal cancer cases.


Homeopathy has much to offer in cases of cancer, apart from treating the malignant growth. A patient or his family would often inquire about the role we as homeopaths can play in the overall treatment process; and we need to be clear within ourselves about our scope.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

CANCER - Its Cause, Prevention and Treatment

?I offer a Nature Cure interpretation of the disease commonly called Cancer.

Cancer is basically a reaction to the presence of a highly irritant substance or influence known as a carcinogen - (Cancer producer).

The persistent presence (internally or externally) of a carcinogen may cause cancer.

One of the generally unsuspected irritants is CARBON.

Any substance that has been carbonized by excessive heating, burning, roasting or toasting may become carcinogenic.

The main internal sources of carbon are toasted bread or biscuits, grilled foods, coffee, tea, cocoa, caramel, so-called "health foods" and beverages, toasted nuts, and tobacco smoke.

When absorbed externally almost any strongly acid or strongly alkaline substance can, when ingested by a highly toxemic organism, be irritant enough to be carcinogenic.

These substances may be gases or dust absorbed by respiration through the lungs or fluids absorbed by or through the digestive system or by contact with the skin.

The causes of cancer being known, the prevention of this complaint becomes self-evident.

Ingestion or contact with carcinogenic irritants should be avoided.

Prevention of cancer is achieved by simply not causing it.

If cancer has been developed the rational treatment is also evident.

The known causes should be removed or significantly reduced.

The toxic material that has initiated a cancerous process should be eliminated per medium of the lungs, skin and kidneys as quickly as possible.

Vigorous physical exercise accompanied by rhythmic diaphragmatic breathing, hydrotherapy such as: steam baths and full body packs, cold compresses, sitz baths, spinal baths to be employed as indicated.

A competent naturopath will know when and how to apply water as needed.

The diet should consist of unstimulating, highly alkaline and raw natural foods.

All foodless foods should be avoided.

All of the body's normal biological requirements are to be provided.

Here again, the competent naturopath will know what is needed.

This comprises a natural preparatory treatment.

When the inevitable Healing Crisis develops, the patient should be fasted until the organism indicates that the fast is to be terminated.

Fasting should be undertaken under the expert supervision of a competent naturopath.

If the sick organism possesses sufficient latent vitality - this program will provide the ideal conditions for it to make the supreme effort necessary to enable it to overcome the cancerous condition.

It must be understood that while every disease may be successfully treated, given favorable conditions, it remains true that not all patients will necessarily recover. "All disease may be cured, but not every patient".


Friday, 18 February 2011

What You Should Know About Kidney Cancer Symptoms

Kidney cancer symptoms are often hard to detect. The body will generally give few concrete signals during the first stages of this type of cancer. Because of this, without regular check-ups from your physician this horrific and debilitating disease is often impossible to detect.

One of the earliest warning signals that can be detected is that of discolored urine or urine that has a high blood count. Because numerous other issues such as kidney stones and infection can cause blood to be present in the urine it is necessary for further tests to be ran before a diagnosis can be made. When blood is present in the urine however, it is generally a good idea to allow the doctor to run further tests. In addition to this development, it is also common for people in the earliest stages to suffer from excessive sweating and frequent bouts with anemia.

There are several signs of the disease when it enters the later, or more aggressive, stages. Individuals that may notice larger amounts of blood in the urine. This can cause the urine to appear pinkish, bright red or even dark brown.

It is also common that the individual in the late stages of this disease will experience chronic and persistent back pain. This is usually centered around just below the ribs. This however, should not be confused with other more moderate forms of back pain as this pain will typically not respond to efforts to medicate or reduce the soreness.

Many people will also begin to suffer from weight loss as well. During this period the individual will be plagued by chronic fatigue and may have intermittent fevers. These however, are all signs that are all indicative of the late stages of kidney cancers. Regular, preventative health care can help lend to early detection and thus, early treatment.


Thursday, 17 February 2011

Does Hair Dye Cause Cancer?

Hair dye or hair coloring is a major concern to many people that the chemicals used might be carcinogens that could potentially be cancer causing agents, as it is common knowledge that most hair dyes do not have to go through the standard stringent safety tests. However, the peer pressure to look young and trendy keeps people coloring their hair either to younger by disguising white or gray hair, or to change their hair color to look more fashionable and attractive, despite the perceived risks of cancer or allergic reaction. Repeated warnings on the risks of using hair dye from medical experts are not discouraging people from continuing to color their hair.

Most hair dyes today are made from petroleum based materials, unlike those in the past, which used coal-tar as the main ingredient and was the culprit for triggering allergic reactions in some people. However, it is disturbing that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has found that the modern day hair colorings and the older ones contain similar chemical compounds.

Studies about the cancer risks associated to hair dye have been contradicting, with some showing purported evidence linking hair dye to certain cancers such as increased risk of bladder cancer, while others dispute that risk. While some studies have shown a slight possible increase in the risk of blood cell cancers such as leukaemia, other studies have found no conclusive link. However, certain medical research has shown that there is a small possible increased risk of non Hodgkin's lymphoma with the long term use of dark hair dyes.

No matter how small the risk, you would not want to your health as risk merely to look good. There are many natural hair dyes around, made from organic natural ingredients such as herbs and fruits. Natural hair colorings are the safe way to color your hair, as you would definitely not want to put potentially hazardous materials on your skin, much less, on your head!

There are many benefits in using natural ingredients to color your hair. Among the many benefits, the natural ingredients also nourish your scalp with the much needed nutrients of protein, anti-oxidants and vitamins, keeping your hair looking soft, young and lustrous.

You can make your own hair color with a quick search on the internet for natural hair dyes recipes, or simply buy those ready-made ones with ingredients made from ayurvedic herbs such as henna.


Tuesday, 15 February 2011

What I Learned From Cancer - Something Good Sometimes Comes From Something Bad

Cancer "The C-Word" "The Big C"

For some, the mere mention of these words makes people weak in the knees and sick to their stomachs. Far too many of us have seen family members and friends have had their lives changed dramatically as the result of having been diagnosed with cancer. And many of us have been witness to death and illness that at times can seem too hard to hold.

When I first learned about my cancer diagnosis, I didn't think I was going to die from the cancer itself; but I did realize that the life I was living was going to kill me if I didn't make some changes. Seven years later on the path of life and currently cancer-free; I am continuing to discover "My Gifts of Cancer," an on-going list of insights and blessings:

Cancer Gift # 1:

Knowing one day we will all die.

There it is I said it; one day each and every one of us will die. And by acknowledging that we are going to leave this earth; I realized that I have nothing left to lose by living. Said another way, I have everything to gain, learn, and experience through living my life to the fullest. (Pause a moment and read this again, we each have nothing to lose by living a full life.)

Cancer Gift # 2:

Knowing we are not our job, our possessions or even our bodies.

My ego was so busy telling me that I "should" be this or have that, or act this way before my diagnosis. And upon hearing, "You have cancer," that fairy tale about who I thought I was crumbled. Once my story disappeared the real work began; the work of discovering who I am and envisioning who I'd like to become in the future.

Cancer Gift # 3:

Knowing the fundamental core of every human being is love.

I am love, you are love and we are all love, plain and simple; and everything else in this life is accessories. I used to think I had to do something or be someone to experience love. And once I realized that at our core is love, loving and being lovable,I began to see it show up everywhere in the world. Life is really all about relationships and love is a way of sharing our interconnectedness as human beings.

Cancer Gift # 4:

Knowing one's unique essence is as essential as sunlight.

Essence is a pure manifestation of who we are individually as human beings. To express our essence we use words and symbols as metaphors to describe our deepest selves. When I realized my essence is warmth, energy, compassion, cheerfulness, playfulness and brilliance, my whole world shifted. I could feel myself embodying these words and my life becoming brighter and richer, easier even. Each of us has an essence within us that is waiting to be discovered and conveyed to the universe.

Cancer Gift # 5:

Knowing fear is just a paper dragon.

Fear shows up everywhere when you learn of your diagnosis; from which stage of cancer, to treatment options, to the fear of how this will impact on your everyday life. Fear is worry about the future; if you can begin to focus more on the present moment or that which is here with you right now; you may begin to notice that your fear dissipates. When you realize that you have the ability to cut, trim and change the paper dragon of fear into a bird of peace life begins to feel a bit less scary.

Cancer Gift # 6:

Knowing we always have a choice.

Ultimately each and every one of us as adults has the opportunity to choose what we want and need from life. By reminding ourselves that choices are always available, we connect with our ability to make the best decision in the present moment. When in doubt refer to Cancer Gift #1, we always have a choice until our death, thank goodness!

Who I was as a person before my cancer is very different than the person I am today. This is not a value judgment related to being better or worse as a human being, rather an ability to be at peace with who I've always been, who I am now and who I will be in the future. Each of us is always changing, learning and growing from life's experiences if we allow ourselves to be open to them. Cancer became just another of life's gifts for me, for it allowed me to be open to discovering my "presence." May you too be open to the gifts and presents that appear in your life each and every day.

Questions to ponder:

Which gift am I most accepting in my life right now?Which gift am I refusing?How could I fully choose all life has to offer?


What I Learned From Cancer - Something Good Sometimes Comes From Something Bad

Cancer "The C-Word" "The Big C"

For some, the mere mention of these words makes people weak in the knees and sick to their stomachs. Far too many of us have seen family members and friends have had their lives changed dramatically as the result of having been diagnosed with cancer. And many of us have been witness to death and illness that at times can seem too hard to hold.

When I first learned about my cancer diagnosis, I didn't think I was going to die from the cancer itself; but I did realize that the life I was living was going to kill me if I didn't make some changes. Seven years later on the path of life and currently cancer-free; I am continuing to discover "My Gifts of Cancer," an on-going list of insights and blessings:

Cancer Gift # 1:

Knowing one day we will all die.

There it is I said it; one day each and every one of us will die. And by acknowledging that we are going to leave this earth; I realized that I have nothing left to lose by living. Said another way, I have everything to gain, learn, and experience through living my life to the fullest. (Pause a moment and read this again, we each have nothing to lose by living a full life.)

Cancer Gift # 2:

Knowing we are not our job, our possessions or even our bodies.

My ego was so busy telling me that I "should" be this or have that, or act this way before my diagnosis. And upon hearing, "You have cancer," that fairy tale about who I thought I was crumbled. Once my story disappeared the real work began; the work of discovering who I am and envisioning who I'd like to become in the future.

Cancer Gift # 3:

Knowing the fundamental core of every human being is love.

I am love, you are love and we are all love, plain and simple; and everything else in this life is accessories. I used to think I had to do something or be someone to experience love. And once I realized that at our core is love, loving and being lovable,I began to see it show up everywhere in the world. Life is really all about relationships and love is a way of sharing our interconnectedness as human beings.

Cancer Gift # 4:

Knowing one's unique essence is as essential as sunlight.

Essence is a pure manifestation of who we are individually as human beings. To express our essence we use words and symbols as metaphors to describe our deepest selves. When I realized my essence is warmth, energy, compassion, cheerfulness, playfulness and brilliance, my whole world shifted. I could feel myself embodying these words and my life becoming brighter and richer, easier even. Each of us has an essence within us that is waiting to be discovered and conveyed to the universe.

Cancer Gift # 5:

Knowing fear is just a paper dragon.

Fear shows up everywhere when you learn of your diagnosis; from which stage of cancer, to treatment options, to the fear of how this will impact on your everyday life. Fear is worry about the future; if you can begin to focus more on the present moment or that which is here with you right now; you may begin to notice that your fear dissipates. When you realize that you have the ability to cut, trim and change the paper dragon of fear into a bird of peace life begins to feel a bit less scary.

Cancer Gift # 6:

Knowing we always have a choice.

Ultimately each and every one of us as adults has the opportunity to choose what we want and need from life. By reminding ourselves that choices are always available, we connect with our ability to make the best decision in the present moment. When in doubt refer to Cancer Gift #1, we always have a choice until our death, thank goodness!

Who I was as a person before my cancer is very different than the person I am today. This is not a value judgment related to being better or worse as a human being, rather an ability to be at peace with who I've always been, who I am now and who I will be in the future. Each of us is always changing, learning and growing from life's experiences if we allow ourselves to be open to them. Cancer became just another of life's gifts for me, for it allowed me to be open to discovering my "presence." May you too be open to the gifts and presents that appear in your life each and every day.

Questions to ponder:

Which gift am I most accepting in my life right now?Which gift am I refusing?How could I fully choose all life has to offer?


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