Monday, 23 May 2011

How Much Is Spent on Cancer Research Each Year?

Over 7 million people died from cancer in 2009 which includes various types of cancer. Cancer is caused by a group of cells growing out of control and in many cases the cells spread out in the body. Because of so many different types it is one of the top killers of Americans over recent years. The impact of cancer has been felt around the world and though there have been many advances many wonder what the price tag has grown when it comes to fighting cancer.

Since there are various factors that can contribute to the scenario we may never really know how much money has been spent exactly since there are so many funding sources and private donors but we have an idea on how much has been invested over the years by looking at what has been accomplished. Several sources have done studies on research spending and have shown that the American Cancer Society alone has invested more than $2 billion since the mid 1940's and the National Cancer Institute spends roughly $6 million a year or more.

Monies raised and used toward cancer benefit researching and the development of treatment programs. Learning about how much is spent on cancer also includes how much has been spent on different types of cancer. Breast cancer is widely known cause for raising money and over the last few years the cause has seen over a billion dollars. Even though there is a wide spread interest in fundraising and donations for cancer causes a majority of the funding comes from major organizations and government grants.

Funding cancer research also involves a great deal of budgeting and planning and when you think about how much money that has been contributed thus far which includes billions of dollars looking at other ways money has been used tends to fail in comparison in certain ways. An example would be to look at different athletes and sport players and see how much they get paid to play their favorite sport as a pro. There are cancer research organizations that use the same amount to research cancer treatments and programs.

Because of the increased interested in issues related to cancer we are seeing the cost of research increase dramatically. There are more organizations that are joining in on increasing the awareness of cancer and even though there has been a tremendous amount of progress over the decades from private & public organizations as well as government agencies it is difficult to know how much more money will be needed in the future. Not only is the funding planned according for projects and programs funds have also helped save lives of hundreds of thousands of people who have been diagnosed.

The amount of money spent on cancer will vary from one cancer to another but many agree the millions of dollars that have been collected have been put to good use for the most part with funding playing a major role in the cancer fight.


Sunday, 1 May 2011

Information About Bladder Cancer

Although there is more than one form of bladder cancer, that which we normally think of when we hear or read this term is transitional cell carcinomas. These are cancers that form in the cells that comprise the inner lining of the bladder. The other forms of cancer which also fall under this heading are squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. These last two, unlike the first, are usually the result of some sort of chronic irritation and inflammation.

Signs of possible bladder cancer are such things as blood in the urine, pain when urinating and feeling the need to urinate but experiencing no results when attempting to do so. While these signs are not always a
symptom of bladder cancer, they definitely should be checked out by a medical professional.

While we often tend to think of smoking as being connected with lung cancer, medical professionals feel that their studies show a definite connection between smoking and bladder cancer. They have reported that the vast majority of cases of bladder cancer can be attributed to smoking tobacco. They also have reported that there is also a definite connection between this cancer and the use of artificial sweeteners.

Studies of bladder cancer have shown that those who work in fields which expose them to those elements found in cigarette smoke also are at a greater risk for developing this cancer even though they themselves may not be smokers. Studies show that these fields include such occupations as bus drivers, rubber workers, motor mechanics, leather workers, blacksmiths, machine setters, mechanics and hair dressers. While not all of these are because of cigarette smoke, some of the same elements in cigarette smoke are also connected with these occupations.

Many medical professionals feel that their studies have shown that a diet which includes fruits, carrots, horse radish, cauliflower, and other vegetables which come under the heading of cruciferous vegetables definitely tend to lower the risk factor of developing some form of this cancer.

Bladder cancer can be treated in different ways, depending upon its stage of development. In the very early stages, it can often be dealt with by a very superficial treatment known as BCG Immunotherapy. Later stages usually call for more aggressive treatments such as chemotherapy and/or radiation. Some treatments have had to go as far as to involve the use of a colostomy.

There have been close to eighty thousand new cases of bladder cancer diagnosed this year alone and the year is not yet over. Of these cases, close to fifteen thousand have resulted in deaths. We have the tools in the form of the knowledge which our medical professionals have given us to lower these numbers. Let's use them to help ourselves and others.

View the original article here

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