Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Which Age Group Gets Hit Most by Cancer?

Cancer is a disease that can strike at any time and it is non-discriminate meaning it's been known to affect any ethnic background, gender, and age group. Cancer is common in children, teens, and throughout adulthood with cases common in the elderly as well. Depending on the type of cancer along with other factors including lifestyle and genetics can affect your chances of getting the disease.

Since cancer can be diagnosed at any age it helps to become familiar with the various types by learning to identify symptoms and gaining detailed information about the cancer. If you know cancer runs in your family it helps to discuss the topic with family and ask about family history which may include the ages of those who were diagnosed. Getting detailed information from your family can help you take advantage of early screening opportunities.

Another issue for cancer is the age people get it and usually depending on the health and age of the person along with the type of cancer and the stage of the cancer the prognosis is determined. There are cancers that may have seen an increase in diagnosis in certain groups besides the typical group the cancer may be often associated with. An example would be skin cancer with many often thinking middle aged individuals or younger are often diagnosed but there seems to be an increase in skin cancer for those over 60.

According to the National Cancer Institute based on the study of the U.S population from 1940 thru 2000 age groups ranging from 35-39 and 40-44 have seen the most increase in cancer related diagnosis. From ages 50 and older the rate tends to decrease and over all the study was conducted with 18 age groups. With more types of cancer being diagnosed and treated all age groups have seen an increase in cancer cases. The same is can be said for countries outside of the United States.

Another way to put the ages into a better perspective is to look up cancer screenings that are offered. Cancers such as breast and prostate cancer have screenings that are recommended for certain age groups and they are highly recommended if the cancer is hereditary. It also helps to review the types of cancers to get an idea of which age ranges are most infected by the cancer since each cancer varies.

Gaining a better understanding of cancer can help you take good preventative measures. Getting educated on cancer will help identify age groups that are most affected and why it is often seen in that particular age group. Often there are preventive measures that can be done to reduce the outcome but many don't understand the significance or feel that it's not a big deal. There are advancements that help in treatment but you can also help yourself by learning about cancers that have the most effect on your age group.


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