Friday, 30 December 2011

An Understanding Of Mesothelioma Cause

Mesothelioma cause refers to the thing or event responsible for mesothelioma cancers. Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease of the lining of abdominal organs, lungs and heart. Almost all the cases of mesothelioma disease somehow or the other are linked with exposure to asbestos particles. Exposure to asbestos particles could cause mesothelioma even if the level of exposure is very low. Studies reveal that about 70 to 80 % of total mesothelioma cases have a history of asbestos exposure thereby identifying asbestos as the single largest mesothelioma cause. Occurrence of mesothelioma without any history of exposure to asbestos particles is very rare.

Some Facts about Mesothelioma Cause

Asbestos exposure is the only known mesothelioma cause. Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals. It contains strong and flexible fibers. One can separate these fibers in to thin threads. Commercial use of asbestos started in late nineteenth century. It was widely used because of its durability and ability to withstand high temperatures. Asbestos was widely used in brake linings, cement, roofing shingles, textile, flooring, insulation and many other industrial products. Small asbestos particles remain suspended in the course of manufacturing of these products. Asbestos workers, their family members those residing near asbestos manufacturing industries could easily inhale asbestos fibers that could cause mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases.

The biggest mesothelioma cause is the negligence of asbestos manufacturers. Manufacturers continued using asbestos even after being aware of its harmful effects. They did not issue any warnings or take necessary precautions to prevent asbestos exposure to the workers. Had they been sincere in their responsibilities, many people suffering from mesothelioma and dangerous asbestos related diseases would have been healthy and happy.

Smoking Increases Mesothelioma Risk

Experts are of the opinion that smoking in itself is not a mesothelioma cause. Nevertheless, it increases the risk of pleural mesothelioma – the mesothelioma of the linings of the lungs. Studies have revealed that smokers with asbestos exposure have an increased mesothelioma risk when compared to non-smokers with similar exposure to asbestos particles.

Preventive Measures against Mesothelioma Cause

Studies have reveled that family members of asbestos workers have suffered with mesothelioma. The mesothelioma cause in this case is the asbestos dust particles settled on the clothes, shoes and hair of the asbestos workers that their family members inhaled. Workers should shower and change their clothing to avoid the possibility of exposing family members to asbestos particles. Workers should also put on protective equipments to reduce the risk of asbestos exposure.

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Asbestos: Cause Of Deadly Mesothelioma

A View of Mesothelioma

Asbestos is the commercial name given to certain types of fibrous materials. They are silicates of varying compositions; the silica combined with such bases as Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, sodium and Aluminum. Asbestos fibers are usually from 20 to 500  in length and 0.5 to 50 in diameter. Asbestos bodies appear as golden brown or beaded rods with a translucent center. The fibers are insoluble. The exposure of asbestos causes fibers to be inhaled and fine dust deposited in the alveoli inside the lungs consequently causing a type of cancer called Mesothelioma (a deadly tumor) involving Mesothelial tissues or usually cells of lungs or stomach and abdominal organs.

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer of the Pleura (lung cancer) and Peritoneum (abdomen cancer). Mesothelioma has been shown to have a strong association with the crocidolite variety of asbestos. Pleural mesothelioma, the most common manifestation of asbestos exposure, is well-circumscribed plaques of dense collagen, often containing calcium. Peritoneum Mesothelioma may or may not contain asbestos bodies and rarely do they occur in persons who have no history or evidence of asbestos exposure.

Mesothelioma not only occurs in people who are exposed the asbestos, but also to them who had been living in vicinity to asbestos manufacturing process or those staying in asbestos contaminated buildings. In Great Britain, an association was reported between Mesothelioma and people living within 1 kilometer of an asbestos factory.

The risk of Mesothelioma is reported to be high in those cases where occupational exposure to asbestos is combined with cigarette smoking. Mesothelioma usually does not appear until after 5 to 10 years of exposure. Mesothelioma causes mechanical irritation and in the advanced cases, there may be symptoms of clubbing of fingers, and cardiac distress. The survival time of Mesothelioma patients is generally ranges from 12 months to 2 years of diagnosis and very few survive longer than 2 years.

The following measures can be useful in preventing occurrences of Mesothelioma:

• Use of safer types of asbestos (chrysolite and amosite)
• Substitution of other insulators such as glass fiber, mineral wool, calcium silicate plastic foams
• Rigorous dust control
• Periodic examination of workers such as biological monitoring (clinical, X-ray, lung function)

The government should take adequate steps and make appropriate legislation to stop or minimize the case of asbestos exposure Mesothelioma. If you or any one of your families or friends is suffering from Mesothelioma, you have the legal right to file lawsuits for getting compensation for the medical facilities, loss of income and pain. You can consult a qualified attorney for filing a Mesothelioma lawsuit for comensation.

Monday, 26 December 2011

An Overview Of Mesothelioma Cancers

What are Mesothelioma Cancers?

Mesothelioma cancers are the cancers that spread in the mesothelium tissues. Mesothelium in general is the name of tissue that forms lining of different body organs such as heart, lungs, abdomen and reproductive organs. The lining around abdominal organs is known as peritoneal membrane. Lining around lungs is called pleural membrane while the lining around heart is called pericardium.

These linings perform two functions. They protect the internal organs by producing a lubricating fluid and to allow the smooth movement of the internal organs. Mesothelioma cancers are the cancers affecting these membranes. The names of the cancers depend on the tissue or linings they affect. Peritoneal mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma are the names of cancers of linings of abdomen, lungs and heart, respectively. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common of all mesothelioma cancers and is found in 70 % of the mesothelioma patients. Peritoneal mesothelioma constitutes 10% to 20% of the mesothelioma patients while third type pericardial mesothelioma, is rare.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma Cancers

Symptoms of mesothelioma cancers are same as of other common diseases. It makes diagnosis mesothelioma cancers a difficult task. Pain and swelling in abdomen, weakness, loss of weight, loss of appetite and nausea are some symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma. Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are persistent cough, difficulty in breathing, weight loss, loss of appetite, weakness, chest pains, lower back pains and difficulty in swallowing.


History of mesothelioma cancers goes back to as far back as 1900s. It took about 60 years to gather sufficient information about these mesothelioma cancers. By the end of sixth decade of last century, experts could conclude that exposure to asbestos particles is the reason behind the disease. J. C. Wagner was first researcher to report 32 cases of mesothelioma cancers and confirmed its association with asbestos exposure.

One alarming fact about the mesothelioma cancers is its extended latency period. These cancers may remain asymptomatic in the body for even up to 50 years. Chances of survival for mesothelioma patients are rare and the average survival period after diagnosis is not more than 12-24 months. Surgery if diagnosed early, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are some common treatments for all types of mesothelioma cancers. People suffering from mesothelioma cancers can file lawsuits to recover damages for medical expenses and other damages. They can file the lawsuits against the persons and companies responsible for causing asbestos exposure.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

An Overview Of Asbestos Disease- Mesothelioma

What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos disease, mesothelioma cancers, lung cancers and asbestosis are the diseases caused because of asbestos exposure. Asbestos constitutes different naturally occurring fibrous minerals in some rocks and soil. It has found widespread use in industries and building materials such as fireproofing, roofing shingles, electric insulation, furnace, hot pipe covering, and friction products.

Recent studies have, however, revealed that exposure to asbestos can have damaging health implication resulting in asbestos disease and mesothelioma for both workers in industries making use of asbestos as well as those who live in the environment surrounding such places. Workers may inhale fine asbestos particles in the air; they also become exposed through skin contact with asbestos or by swallowing asbestos fibers while at work. These workers are vulnerable to asbestos diseases as mesothelioma and asbestosis.

Serious Effects Of Asbestos Disease- Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is the most serious of several asbestos-related diseases detected so far. This is because of the carcinogenic effect of asbestos particles. Asbestos can cause cancer of the lungs, esophagus, colon, rectum, stomach, vocal chords, and kidneys. About 70 percent to 80 percent of all cases of asbestos disease mesothelioma - a rare type of cancer of the mesothelium, the membrane that covers and protects most of the body internal organs – are the result of asbestos exposure at work.

Asbestos disease mesothelioma may not immediately manifest. The asbestos particles can lie dormant in the body for several years and manifest later, when the prognosis is very grim. It is possible that by the time the disease is diagnosed, the cancer may have already spread significantly. In view of health concerns all new uses of asbestos in the manufacturing industries have been banned in the United States from July 1989 onward. In particular, the use of asbestos in hand-held hair dryers was voluntarily stopped in 1979. Schools are required to test for use of asbestos roofing and it is removed or covered up.

Compensation To Victims Of Asbestos Disease Mesothelioma

The first case of asbestos disease mesothelioma was filed nearly 70 years ago. Employees in industries with considerable risk of asbestos poisoning are, in principle, eligible for mesothelioma compensation. The compensation is available only for those employees who run the risk of asbestos exposure since the 1940s. Recently, many mesothelioma patients have filed lawsuits for compensation. They have been awarded compensation on the ground that the owners of industries continued to use asbestos despite the information of the health hazards it entails. Currently, help is available to victims of asbestos disease mesothelioma through many specialized legal firms in the United States.

Thursday, 22 December 2011

An Insight Into Mesothelioma Cure

The doctors and researchers are looking for answers related to Mesothelioma cure but have not found any. Before we discuss about mesothelioma cure, it is necessary to know about what is mesothelioma and what are its possible causes. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the lining of the lungs and abdomen. High Asbestos exposure is the only known cause of mesothelioma cancers. Asbestos is a natural fibrous mineral that was widely used in the construction process, building material and many manufacturing units. Asbestos breaks into minute particles that float into the air, can be easily inhaled and settle on the clothes of workmen, leaving them and their family members prone to many health hazards.

Understanding Its Symptoms – A Step towards Mesothelioma Cure:

An understanding of mesothelioma symptoms can help in the process of mesothelioma cure. Some common symptoms of mesothelioma are difficulty in breathing, chest pain, and chronic cough. However, many times this disease lies in asymptomatic in the body, which makes mesothelioma cure an impossible task. Once detected, the chances of survival of an average mesothelioma patient are very bleak.

The options for Mesothelioma cure depend upon the different stages of the disease. In the first stage the treatments options depends on factors such as patient’s age, general health, organ affected and the size of tumor. Surgery is used for mesothelioma treatment and cure in the first stage. The doctors remove the tumor and the nearby tissues with a surgical process. However, the doctors use a combination of surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy if the tumor has witnessed enormous growth.

Fluid collection in the chest and abdomen takes place in the advance stages of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma cure in these stages involves draining of the fluid to reduce discomfort. This process of treatment is known as Thorancentesis or Paracentesis. After this, the doctors use Surgery followed by radiation and chemotherapy. Treatment and efforts for mesothelioma cure can suffer a severe jolt if the disease strikes back. In that case, the treatment depends on the location of recurrence, and the patient’s medical history.

What If the Efforts For Mesothelioma Cure Fail?

As we have discussed the survival chances of mesothelioma patients are bleak and the possibility of mesothelioma cure are rare. In that case it is necessary to make the patients aware that they are legally entitled to claim compensation for the medical expenses, loss of income, lost earning capacity, pain and the mental trauma they are undergoing. Though the award of compensation cannot bring about mesothelioma cure or compensate for the loss of life, yet it can provide some relief to the mesothelioma victims and their family members.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

All Pericardial Mesothelioma Information FAQ

What is pericardial mesothelioma?

Pericardial mesothelioma is a serious heart condition which consists of cancerous cells building up on the lining of the heart.  Similarly to pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma, this is a terminal illness due to the importance of the area on which it grows.

What causes pericardial mesothelioma and who are most at risk?

The primary cause of pericardial mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos dust and fibres.  Therefore those at risk are those who are most likely to have inhaled these deadly fibres such as construction workers and asbestos manufacturers.  Those in contact with these people also have a chance of getting pericardial mesothelioma because these people may have asbestos fibres stuck to their clothes or hair.

What are the symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma?

The symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma change from patient to patient.  Usual symptoms include persistent coughing, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, chest pain and palpitations.  Other symptoms patients may experience are nausea, weight loss, vomiting and loss of appetite.

What are the treatments available for pericardial mesothelioma?

There are various different treatments for pericardial mesothelioma although none of these have a high success rate.  Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, dual therapy and surgery are the treatment methods available.  Chemotherapy includes using drugs to kill off cancerous cells and radiation therapy uses doses of radiation to kill cancer cells although this is difficult in the case of pericardial mesothelioma due to the surrounding vital organs such as the heart and lungs.  Dual therapy is a treatment combining radiation therapy with chemotherapy. Surgery comes in two forms; aggressive surgery and palliative procedures.  Aggressive surgery is a very difficult procedure and consists of removing large chunks of cancerous cells in an attempt to gain long term control over the cancer.  Palliative procedures just attempts to lessen the symptoms for the patient.

How much exposure to asbestos is needed for there to be a possibility of getting pericardial mesothelioma?

This depends on how strong and resistant the person is to disease and on the concentration of asbestos in the environment around him.  It is possible to get pericardial mesothelioma from as little as a couple of months of exposure to asbestos although on average it would take a couple of years for enough asbestos fibres to build up to cause cancer.

What is the prognosis for pericardial mesothelioma?

This is highly dependent on how early and how aggressively the cancer is treated.  If pericardial mesothelioma is treated when it has fully developed and matured then the chances of a patient’s survival is very small.  The prognosis could be only a couple of months.

Is there any promising research into cures for pericardial mesothelioma?

Research into cures of pericardial mesothelioma and all other forms of mesothelioma is being done in numerous research labs all over the USA.  Many pharmaceutical companies are also working hard to research new drugs for chemotherapy.  So far, research has been mostly unsuccessful.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

10 Options in Treating Mesothelioma

As with any cancer, treatment for Mesothelioma depends on the location of the cancer, the progression of the disease, the age as well as state of health of the patient.

It is the oncologist who specializes in the disease who will decide on the line of treatment. The disease is difficult to treat and in most cases the prognosis is poor. Treatment options include:

1.    If the diagnosis is done in the early stages surgery may be recommended to remove all cancerous tissues. This means thoracoscopy, VATS or video assisted thoracic surgery, mediastinoscopy (used for staging), or laproscopy.  Often, doctors will advise palliative procedures like chest tube drainage and pleurodesis, thoracoscopy and pleurodesis, pleuroperitonial shunt, or pleurectomy, which treat the symptoms of mesothelioma rather than the disease.

2.    Radiation is prescribed aggressively for mesothelioma patients and is often given in combination with surgery or in order to control symptoms, palliatively. Research on using radiation therapy using implants or UV light therapy is in progress as traditional radiation therapy damages surrounding healthy tissue.

3.    Chemotherapy is an option and around 12-20% of patients respond to the drugs. Anti-cancer drugs destroy cancer cells and prevent their spread. In mesothelioma, chemotherapy is not considered to be curative. The aim is to prevent spread of the disease; shrink the tumor prior to surgery, known as neoadjuvant therapy; to annihilate any remains of the tumor in the body post surgery; and to relieve pain and other discomfort, palliative chemotherapy. Experts recommend prescribing premetrexed along with cisplastin. These drugs have shown positive results and this is now standard care for Mesothelioma not treatable by surgery.

4.    Biological therapy using interleukin 2.

5.    Immunotherapy where the body’s own immune system is stimulated to fight the disease. Biological response modifiers, BRMs, are used in treatment. These enhance the functions of the immune system; regulate metabolic reactions that promote growth of cancers; alter cancer cell division; block or reverse processes that lead to formation of cancers; and prevent spread of cancer.

6.    Gene therapy, where attempts are made to correct the gene sequence that causes the cancer. This is of two kinds, replacement gene therapy and knockout gene therapy. 

7.    Administration of lovastatin, a cholesterol lowering drug.

8.    Photodynamic treatment where a photosensitive medication is activated using a laser. This is done during the surgical removal of cancerous tissues.

9.    Draining of fluid in the chest or abdominal cavity followed by introduction of medications into the cavity to prevent fluid accumulation is done for patients who have uncontrolled fluid accumulation and intense discomfort stemming from it.

10.    Combination therapy or Trimodal therapy which means surgery accompanied by radiation and chemotherapy. 

Often, complementary medicines are also used. Termed to be holistic this kind of treatment focuses on a patient’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being.

In the case of Mesothelioma which is untreatable one can opt for clinical trials of new treatments that are in progress in several research laboratories and centers. The best advice on the line of treatment would be that recommended by the oncologist or physician.

Friday, 16 December 2011

All About a Mesothelioma Lawyer

When someone is diagnosed with mesothelioma, they may find that they need an attorney to help them with their case.  This is a disease that is rare, and there is little to be said about the condition.  The rate of this disease is on the increase and there are new lawyers that are trying to settle many cases for different people.  They have stepped in for the rights of the people to help them with their case.
Many victims of this disease need to have a mesothelioma lawyer to help them with their fight.  These lawyers and law firms will deal with the victims and their families to help them claim the right compensation that they deserve from the companies that are responsible for their problems.  These lawsuits result in a lot of money being won by the families when the right lawyer or firm handles them.

Handling asbestos causes mesothelioma.  This comes from working in an environment that is affected by this deadly material or by someone that is contracted to remove it.  Most of the time, the workers are made clear of the dangers that can be caused by working with this type of material.  However, some employers will allow little or no protection from the material when the employees are handling it.  These workers are entitled to compensation for their work.
Today there are many mesothelioma lawyers to choose from and there are many that are right for you.  Many of these lawyers have dealt with this type of suit in the past and know the correct way to handle it.  Those people that are looking for a lawyer should choose someone with a good history and experience in this type of case.  Most lawyers are happy to provide clients with information that may be helpful in using them for your services.  They will show past cases with the names deleted to show proof of their victory.

It is a good idea to find out if the mesothelioma lawyer that you are looking into has won any of their cases or not.  These elements can make all the difference when it comes to trying to find the right lawyer to help you with your situation.  It is a good idea to do as much research as you can on the entire situation.  You may be able to determine your future when you choose their right mesothelioma lawyer for you and your case.

When it comes to being sick with a disease that could have been prevented, it is hard to deal with.  Finding the right mesothelioma lawyer to help you in your fight against these companies is a good start.  You will be fighting for something that means so much to a lot of people and it will be worth it in the end.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Possible Leukemia Causes and Risk Factors

Leukemia is a disease that is considered to be life-threatening. It requires prompt intervention when discovered, in order to maximize the chances of recovering through specific treatment and therapy. Leukemia is basically a type of cancer of the bone marrow and blood, caused by inappropriate cellular activity. The disease can be of different forms, according to the types of blood cells that cause its development. Also, if leukemia is developing rapidly, it is called acute leukemia, while if the disease is developing slowly, it is referred to as chronic leukemia.

The direct leukemia causes are still unknown. In present, medical science isn’t able to establish the specific leukemia causes. However, a strong connection between certain genetic factors and the development of the disease has been revealed. Leukemia occurs on the background of genetic failure that causes the excessive production of incomplete, partially matured blood cells. Also, leukemia has a hereditary character, allowing the transmission of genetic predispositions to disease from one generation to another. Although many factors are known to contribute to the development of leukemia, they alone can’t be considered leukemia causes.

Despite the fact that statistics indicate a higher incidence of the disease in people that are exposed to some environmental factors of risk, leukemia doesn’t seem to be caused by neither of them in particular. Among the environmental factors that are thought to be leukemia causes, here are some of the most plausible ones:

- Smoking – smoking is thought to increase the chances of being affected by leukemia. Although statistics show that around 20 percent of acute leukemia cases are related to smoking, leukemia also occurs to people that don’t smoke and therefore it can’t be considered a leukemia cause on itself;

- Prolonged exposure to radiation – Radiation is considered to facilitate the development of leukemia. It is believed that exposure to X-rays can be a leukemia cause;

- Prolonged exposure to benzene – statistics reveal that this is a major factor of risk in some forms of leukemia, such as myelogenous leukemia;

- Chemotherapy and cancer treatment – previous cancer treatments and chemotherapy are known to facilitate the occurrence and development of leukemia and can be considered plausible leukemia causes. Within a few years from the completion of chemotherapy and other treatments for certain forms of cancer, most people can develop leukemia.

Among the genetic factors that are considered to be leukemia causes, the following ones are thought to be the most important:

- chromosome abnormalities – some rare genetic syndromes are known to contribute to leukemia causes;

- Immune system genetic problems - a weak immune system is very likely to facilitate the occurrence of leukemia and therefore can be considered a leukemia cause;

- Down syndrome – children born with this syndrome have a very high risk of developing acute leukemia.

The list of possible leukemia causes can continue further, but these are the most common factors that are considered to be interrelated with leukemia. While some of them can be prevented, others reside within the genes and in present can’t be corrected. In future, however, thanks to medical advance, we will probably be able to prevent leukemia and other forms of cancer.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Breast Cancer - A Death Sentence Caused By Neglect

The biggest majority of women who concern themselves over develping breast cancer  are the ones who do not even bother to do a self examination (Not all)
Self inspection of the breasts should be a main priority for every woman. Breast cancer caught in the early stages of growth will give better odds for the patient to control the disease with the help of today`s modern medicines and technology.

Breast cancer is common among the female species and can be a death sentence if ignored. By neglecting yourself in this department with absent regular check ups then you can expect a painful road ahead - comgested of heartache and pain for those close to you as well. Breast cancer is treatable, so now is the time to set a date in the diary for regular self breast examination.

One of the first signs or symptoms of breast cancer is a lump in the breast.  You will find that most breast lumps discovered early are rated as 9 out of 10 as being benign.  Breast lumpiness can be that of breast change which usually becomes more obvious just before the start of a period, particularly in women over the age of 35 

Also cysts/sacs of fluid is not uncommon in the breast tissue causing a feel of lumpiness.  Fibroadenoma is a collection of fibrous glandular tissue which is more notably known to occur in younger women
If you notice a change in the shape/size of the breast or a lump even thickening then always check this out with your doctor. Other signs to look out for is dimpling of the skin or nipple shape changing, for example, if ithe nipple turns in or sinks back into the breast. Blood-stained discharge from the nipple or an unusual  blemish or rash around the surrounding area needs to be checked out.

A swelling or lump under your armpit can also be a sign. If you have found that you have any of the above symptoms then seek medical attention right away.

Do not worry at this stage because breast lumps as such do not necessarily mean cancer.  However the above mentioned inverted nipple or blood stained discharge etc can mean another type of ailment,  either way these will need attention

The doctor will examine the breast and if necessary will refer you to a specialist for further checks. If the results from a mammogram or ultra sound shows a cyst, then to have it removed may entail draining it through a fine needle.  If the lump is solid  then treatment will be with the use of a very fine needle where a sample of tissue will be taken and tested for cancer cells.

This is a disease you can fight  but once it spreads, then the  breast cancer becomes a battlefield leaving you fighting for survival.  Early detection can stop this war.

Cosmetic Surgery for women is common after a a breast operation.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Breast Cancer – Problem Faced By Women

There was a time when Breast Cancer was termed to be as a dreaded disease. But things have changed now. If detected earlier, this could be easily treated. Removal of your breast during the treatment of breast cancer can be one of the painful things you would have to go through. It may not be the same case for all patients. With the increasing knowledge about the cures and treatment breast cancer can be treated very easily.

Breast cancer occurs when cell in our breasts known as tumor grow out of control causing damage to the nearby tissues and spreads throughout. These tumors which are cancerous are known as malignant tumors and cause lot of damage to your body. As it takes lot of time for a tumor to grow, it may not be easy to detect the tumor during self exam. But these can be detected with mammograms.

Breast cancers best treatment - early detection. Once, cancer is detected it becomes easier for the doctors and yourself to fight it out. By the age of 20 all women should start doing Breast Self Examination (BSE) it is one of most easiest and earliest ways of detecting cancer. These check ups should be done few days after your periods. You should do this check up at least once a month. A clinical breast exam should be done at least once a year.

Some of the signs to look for, while doing BSE

-A lump found in and around the nipple or underarm
-Change in size or shape
-Nipple discharge or nipple turning inward
-Redness of skin or warmth
-Formation of dimple or change in skin texture

Some of the causes of having breast cancer

Gender: Being a woman is one of the common reasons for suffering from breast cancer. Event though men suffer from this disease too, just being a woman puts you in lot of danger.

Age: As you grow older your chances of having breast cancer increases.

Family history: If somebody in the family has suffered from breast cancer your chances of having breast cancer increases.

Being overweight or obese: If you are an overweight women your chances of breast cancer increases after menopause.

Lack of exercise: Being lethargic and lack of any physical activity leads you towards increasing weight and chances of breast cancer

Alcohol: Drinking alcohol becomes very risky as it increases your chances of breast cancer

Methods to Prevent Breast Cancer

-Turn into a vegetarian
-Have plenty of organic food and vegetables
-Avoid red meat and any processed foods
-Avoid alcohol and colas
-You can have something sweet by having Stevia, an herb which is a substitute to any other toxic artificial sweetener
-Having whole grains is very good such as Oatmeal, Kamut and Psyllium, which are a good source of fiber and enters directly into your bloodstream
-Your diet must include wheat, bran and Cabbage as they are very nutritious food which helps to prevent breast cancer
-Garlic, Ginger, carrots, celery, cilantro, parsley and parsnip has some of the highest cancer fighting nutrients. Include them in your daily diet.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Antiperspirants And Breast Cancer

Most underarm antiperspirants contain as the active ingredient, Aluminium Chlorohydrate, as you will probably remember there has been controversy about Aluminium, since the 1950's when it was a popular metal used for making cooking pots, Saucepans and Fry Pans and that it could be one of the contributing factors to Alzheimer's, now we have another problem that could also be related to Aluminium, Breast Cancer.

Research shows that one of the leading causes of Breast Cancer could be the use of antiperspirants. The human body has a number of areas, that it uses to purge Toxins from the body, these are, behind the knees, behind the ears, the groin area, and the armpits. The toxins are purged from the body in the form of perspiration and antiperspirant as the name clearly suggests prevents you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body from purging Toxins from the armpit area.

These Toxin do not just disappear, Instead, the body deposits them in the Lymph Nodes below the arms, since it is unable to sweat them out. A concentration of Toxins then builds up in the areas such as the armpits, which can then lead to cell mutations, which is cancer.

It cannot be ignored, that nearly all Breast Cancer Tumors occur in the upper outer quadrant of the breast area, this is where the Lymph Nodes are located. Men are less likely (but not totally exempt) to develop breast cancer prompted by the use of antiperspirants, because the antiperspirant is more likely to be caught in the armpit hair, rather than directly applied to the skin, but ladies, who shave their armpits, increase the risk by causing imperceptable nicks in the skin, which allow the chemicals to enter easily into the body through the armpits.

This article is aimed mainly at ladies, but please be aware that there are a few antiperspirants on the market that are made from natural products, but basically they would still trap the Toxins in the same areas. The best solution is to use deodorants, rather than antiperspirants, also please remember that the Eight Essential Sugars in Glyconutrients can also help to fight off Toxins.

There is a lot of controversy about this article, the medical profession scoff at the idea, and so do big business, but then again there are huge numbers of people that scoff at the problems associated with Fluoride in drinking water. You can make up your own mind on whether there is someting in this article or not, I know that if I was a lady, I would keep clear of Antiperspirants. I realise that Doctors everywhere, do a marvelous job, and they are appreciated, but they are reluctant to look at the bigger picture, also please remember that the fourth largest killer of people in the western world is prescription drugs.

This article and many more by Keith Londrie II can be found on his web site at
Visit today for more information on breast cancer.
Keith E. Londrie II
infoserve @

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Alternative breast cancer natural herbal treatment

In recent years, there's been an explosion of life-saving treatment in an alternative way with natural and herbal medicine advances against breast cancer, bringing new hope and excitement. Instead of only one or two options, today there's an overwhelming menu of treatment choices that fight the complex mix of cells in each individual cancer.

Let me ask you a question before you start reading this article:

If I could show you a natural cancer fighting strategy that when used alone or when coupled with conventional treatments could kill your cancer - would you be willing to spend 15 minutes reading and listenting to the audio of the patients. This potentially is a life changing report?

If you answered NO, then I wish you the best of luck with your doctor.

If you answered YES, then go ahead and read this report.  Do not simply skim over it or skip around from section to section - but read it word for word.  There is some cancer fighting information here.  You won't want to miss a thing.

Finding out that you or a loved one has breast cancer can be absolutely terrifying. However, once you understand the causes of breast cancer and learn how to reverse those causes, you or your loved one can have more than a fighting chance of beating breast cancer. Unfortunately, these strategies can't help everyone survive, but if the person using these strategies has enough time left so that they can start to work, quite often they reverse their cancer.

Now, because you chose to read this report in its entirety - this tells me two things about you.

   1. You want an aggressive no-holds barred approach to skyrocket your chances of survival beyond the ordinary.

   2. You realize conventional treatments may not do the trick alone, and can potentially batter your body, destroy your health and possibly ruin you financially.

A Breast Cancer Survivor says that “We fight cancer everyday...and we never give up.”

We know you are fighting for your life. At Cancer Treatment Centers and our mission is to arm you with every choice and offer you every chance.

Aggressive research, innovative new therapies, and highly-trained, experienced cancer practitioner of conventional treatment work to provide each patient with a personalized treatment plan, based on his or her unique medical condition, needs and desires.

Breast Cancer Treatment
There is hope. Some about treatment options available to you.
Alternative Cancer Treatments
Alternative cancer treatments that counter the underlying causes of cancer, help relieve pain, reduce side effects and help the immune system to more effectively fight cancer.

Let me be in brief about the things

What this cancer exactly is?
Cancer cells are always being created in the body. It's an ongoing process that has gone on for eons. In fact, the immune system developed components whose job it is to seek out and destroy cancer cells.
Cancer is not a mysterious disease that suddenly attacks you out of the blue, something that you can't do anything about. It has definite causes that you can correct if your body has enough time, and if you take action to change the internal environment to one that creates health, not cancer, while at the same time attacking cancerous cells and tumors by exploiting their weaknesses.

How we came across this disease?
Cancer has been around as long as mankind, but only in the second half of the 20th century did the number of cancer cases explodes. Contributing to this explosion are the huge amounts of toxins and pollutants we are exposed to, high stress lifestyles that zap the immune system, poor quality junk food that's full of pesticides, irradiated and now genetically modified, pathogens, electromagnetic stress, lights and just about anything that wasn't around 200 years ago. All these weaken the immune system, and alter the internal environment in the body to an environment that promotes the growth of cancer.
Cancer tumors begin when more cancerous cells are being created than an overworked, depleted immune system can destroy.
Constant exposure to tens of thousands of manmade chemicals from birth onward, chlorinated and fluoridated water, electromagnetic radiation, pesticides and other toxins, leads to the creation of too many free radicals and excessive numbers of cancerous cells.
Alone this would be enough to raise cancer levels, but combined with an immune system weakened by a diet of refined and over processed food, mineral depleted soils, and too much exposure to artificial light at night, the immune system at some point no longer is able to keep cancer in check and it starts to grow in your body.

Did you know about this?
Research shows that the immune system needy 9 1/2 hours of sleep in total darkness to recharge completely. When was the last time you had enough sleep?

As a result of all this stress on our bodies and the overload of toxins, what you get is a malfunctioning immune system and a body that is not capable of destroying the excessive numbers of cancerous cells that develop. Some, sooner or later, survive and multiply. And then you have cancer.

Overcoming cancer is a process of reversing the conditions that allowed the cancer to develop, and going after and killing cancerous cells.

The exact causes don't have to be known, though certainly the more varied the approaches taken to correct those conditions, the more likely you are going to hit on what works best in a particular case. What needs to be done is to strongly and dramatically interrupt and reverse these cancer-causing conditions so that the body becomes healthier, and no longer capable of breeding cancer.

The more cancer there is, the more serious the condition -- meaning much has to be done -- fast. In your personal situation it may be too late, or it may not. No one knows where that cutoff point is as even advanced cases can turn around. 

This report acts like a suggestor to you. The most important things you can do for your health is to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. But much, much more potent.

One of the basics of fighting cancer is going on a fairly low carbohydrate diet, especially sugars and refined carbohydrates, because they digest extremely fast and flood the body. Your body must then produce a lot of insulin to get the sugar into cells fast, and this feeds the cancer cells just what they like to eat.

10 Strategies to focus on when fighting cancer...

1.Kill Them Naturally And Safely Without Harming Your Body
2.Increasing Oxygen Levels In Your Body And Cells Can Literally Kill Cancerous Cells
3.Normalizing pH Levels which Can Stop Cancer In Its Tracks
4.Getting Methylgyloxal Back Into Cells Puts The Brakes On Cancer Cell Growth
5.A Strong Immune System Seeks Out And Destroys Cancer Cells
6.Eliminating Candida And Fungal Infections Vital For Getting Rid Of Cancer
7.Reducing Toxic Overload Vital For Successfully Fighting Cancer
8.Free Radical Scavengers Protect Cells From Damage
9.Increasing Enzyme Levels Can Wipe Out Cancer
10.Raising The Vibratory Level In The Body Disrupts Cancer Growth
11.Resolving Issues And Reducing Stress May Be Vital For Success Against Cancer

A natural and herbal approach to cancer is based on making the body healthier. This alternative cancer strategy is to strengthen a depleted, worn out, under energized immune system that is not capable of killing cancer cells as fast as they are multiplying.

This is part of changing the body's internal environment so cancer cells can't survive and so you will experience greater health in every way. You accomplish this by supporting the body's fight against cancer, by changing the body's internal environment to one that does not support the growth of cancer, and by directly attacking cancer cells.

You will learn about safe and effective supplements that deal with each cancer weakness mentioned in the web site. Products that can defeat cancer as they get at the underlying causes of cancer. That work on any and every cancer. Let's get started with the last one first...

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Adherence With Oral Meds-An Issue In Breast Cancer "Drugs don't work in patients who don't take them."

In the battle against breast cancer, patients are increasingly prescribed oral medications, such as hormonal therapy, to limit the risk of disease recurrence. Research has indicated that patients should stay on these drugs for five years to gain maximum benefits.

But recently, the healthcare community has started to ask a question once limited to managing common colds, not cancer: Do breast cancer patients take their medications as prescribed?

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 200,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed every year in the U.S. Of those, approximately 100,000 have cancer types that are likely to respond to hormonal therapy. Taking the therapy as prescribed for the full five years can reduce their risk of recurrence.

Easier Said than Done

Based on findings from a recent symposium on medication adherence among breast cancer patients, candidates for hormonal therapy-some 500,000 women in the U.S.-may not be reaping the full benefits of their drug regimens. According to some research studies, non-compliance rates have reached as high as 40 percent.

The Symposium, called the Compliance Strategic Initiative (CSI), addressed issues that lead to medication non-compliance among breast cancer patients, and it identified possible solutions to these issues. Representatives from leading patient advocacy organizations and professional healthcare associations, as well as oncology experts and survivors from across the nation, gathered to share their perspectives. The CSI was led by a Steering Committee which included representatives from the American Cancer Society, CancerCare, the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP), and Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization.

"Through research, we know that five years of adjuvant hormonal therapy in women with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer prolongs survival and reduces recurrence," said D. Lawrence Wickerham, MD, associate chairman of the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project. "And yet, studies also show that not all patients stay on hormonal therapy as prescribed. It is important that healthcare providers understand why women make that decision, so we can address the issue with the information, resources and support needed to help them through this part of their treatment."

Based on results of the meeting, participants gained a better understanding of the factors that contributed to non-compliance. Among those factors: patients often do not feel empowered to talk with their doctors about tough issues, such as side effects; doctors and other healthcare professionals aren't equipped with resources to assist patients in coping with or eliminating side effects; and after their acute phase of treatment, women may often feel they are left to manage therapy on their own. Physicians are under increasing pressures of time and performance and may not always have the skill set to listen well to their patients, or, simply not realize their patients may not be taking their medication. These factors combine to create communication gaps through which compliance issues can fall.

In conclusion, breast oncology advocates and experts who attended the symposium agreed that patient support mechanisms can and must be improved. Healthcare providers and patients each play pivotal roles. Through education and communication, they can begin to take the steps that will help some breast cancer patients reduce their risk of recurrence.

Two in five breast cancer patients don't take their medication properly.

Friday, 9 December 2011

A 10-Year Drive To Put The Brakes On Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a highly treatable disease that now has a survival rate of 85 percent. Yet more than 212,000 women are still diagnosed with the condition each year.

Since early diagnosis is an important key to successful treatment, doctors say it's important that all women over the age of 18 do a Breast Self-Exam (BSE) every month, two or three days after their menstrual cycle. In addition, women between 20 and 39 should have a clinical breast exam at least every three years and women 40 and older should have a mammogram every year.

For the past 10 years, BMW of North America has worked with The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation-the largest fund-raiser for breast cancer research in America-to help spread the message of early detection and to help ensure that breast cancer research continues. The groups' Ultimate Drive program has raised millions to help fund the efforts.

The initiative, fully underwritten by BMW, consists of two fleets of specifically badged BMWs making a cross-country trek, stopping in communities along the way to hold daylong events. People will be invited to test-drive the cars-at no cost to the participants-to raise money for breast cancer research, education and screening treatment programs.

The car company donates $1 directly to the Komen Foundation for each mile driven, along with whatever other proceeds are received from the program. Upon completion of every drive, each participant adds his or her own name to the Signature Vehicle-this year, a BMW 3-Series.

This year's goal is to raise over $1 million, bringing the program's 10-year total up to over $10 million. To help celebrate the initiative's 10th anniversary, the 240-stop cross-country trek has been expanded to include Alaska.

People can test-drive the cars to help fight breast cancer. They can also:

• Regularly conduct BSEs, have clinical exams and mammograms

• Stop smoking and stressing

• Get more exercise

• Cut or reduce their alcohol consumption

• Watch their diet. Try to eat plenty of olive oil, fruits, vegetables, grains, fresh fish and poultry.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Treatments For Cancer Other Than Chemotherapy

Cancer is a common disease around the world which leads the second position of causing death among the Americans. This most common term is applied to refer tumors or malignant neoplasm. There are two types of cancer. Benign is one of two categories of cancer which always occur locally whether another cancer type malignant spread the cells to the adjacent tissues as well as oppose the function of the cells and result an undesirable systemic effects on the body.

You will find the abnormal function of the cellular genes which assure the normal cell growth or mitosis of the cell as the main reason of neoplasm. These cellular genes are recognized as oncogenes. There are many factors that are responsible for activating oncogenes abnormally such as some specific chemicals, biological or physical factors, dietary factors and so on. In the dietary factors, the most common foods involved in causing neoplasm are red meat, alcoholic drink, foods of saturated fat etc.

If you are looking for nutritional treatment other than chemotherapy for cancer, you are lucky enough as you are reading this article. I wish you will find your answer here.

Nutritional therapy for preventing cancer: The main purposes of nutritional therapy for cancer are to meet the higher nutritional requirement for metabolism as well as catabolism and to prevent the symptoms that are caused by the disease. Following are the nutritional requirements that are given to the cancer patient as nutritional therapy.

Energy: To satisfy the higher requirement for metabolism and also for alleviating the excessive weight loss, the energy requirements are increased. Around 2000 Kcal are given to a well nourished adult patient to regulate the normal needs and 3000-4000 Kcal are given to a malnourished patient.

Protein: For healing, regeneration and rehabilitation of body tissue, increased amount of protein is needed to supply the required nitrogen as well as essential amino acids. About 80 g of protein is given to a well nourished adult patient where more than 100g is given to a malnourished patient to replenish tissues as well as to assure the positive nitrogen balance.

Fluid: Enough amount of fluid is required to keep the urinary tract save from inflammation and irritation.

Vitamins and minerals: Intake of sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals is necessary to meet the normal level of vitamins and minerals of RDA (Recommended dietary allowance).


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