Friday, 15 May 2009

Causes Worth Fighting For - According to Celebrities

I've always thought life isn't worth living if you're not fighting for something. It's an empty life. So whether you're fighting for peace in Iraq, or fighting for better treatment from baristas in your neighborhood coffee shop - stand up for what you are passionate about.

If you're on a prowl for a cause, take a cue from these celebrities who've used their popularity and stature in society to push for a cause. Here are a few:

Elizabeth Hurley and her continued support towards Breast cancer awareness has caused one of the most famous places in the world to turn pink. Any guesses? It's where her husband is originally from and where Princess Di went to without Prince Charles. The Taj Mahal! Pink lights were illuminated in Mumbai to show the world we're not going down without a fight against breast cancer.

Sell a shirt, save the world. That's what I'm guessing was on people's mind when they saw the "cheerleader" Hayden Panettiere sell her clothes for a cause close to my heart as well - Save The Whales Again. She was also involved in a confrontation with Japanese fisherman to try and disrupt their annual dolphin hunt. Save the Whales again is a campaign of the Whaleman Foundation & Animal welfare institute. Aside from environment issues, Hayden flexed her popularity towards the 2008 elections & also made a video for funnyordie against McCain.

Our favorite funny man Jon Stewart isn't only good for a laugh - he supports health causes such as Parkinson Foundation & Autism Speak. He hosted the "Night of Too Many Stars 20083 in order to raise money for Autism Programs in the country. Take that Denis Leary!

Bono, Oh! Bono. We're not worthy. The frontman of U2 has used his popularity to shed light on issues that we normally aren't aware of or take forgranted - like poverty and hunger. He uses all means possible - even pimping it out in Oprah where he figured in the promotion of Gap Rep. He speaks with world leaders, Bono's cause is for the betterment of Africa, and generally to make the world a better place.

This list won't be complete without any participation from the most powerful celebrity couple in the world - Brangelina! Their brood is growing, they've managed to make adoption look "celebrity cool", contributed much of their earnings to various causes (around $8 million last 2006) and wouldn't you know, Brad Pitt was recently named "15 People Who Make America Great" by Newsweek Magazine. Angelina on the other hand is a UN Ambassador and reportedly, whenever she's out with them to refugee camps, etc, she spends for herself while still sharing the same working conditions as the UN Staff. Man, is there something this lady can't do?

"Every Good Act is Charity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows - Moliera". Sometimes it's not really how much money you give to these causes - it's how much of yourself you give and how much you get in return - maybe not in monetary but in honest-to-goodness-I-feel-good-vibes. And that beats just holding that coffee cup.

Christine Waverly

Christine Waverly speaks her mind on her blog about everything and anything - travel, the good life, women's issues and politics. Visit her site today!

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