Wednesday, 3 June 2009

What Causes Cancer?

The Dr. Otto Warburg Story

In 1931 Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for showing that cancer thrives in anaerobic (without oxygen), or acidic, conditions. In other words, the main cause for cancer is acidity of the human body. Disease can not survive in an Alkaline Body, Only drink Ionized Alkaline Water.

Today we have an ocean of confusing information, articles in which different experts state many different reasons for illness. However, I think that the main reason for illness was stated very clearly in 1931! Over 75 years ago, Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel prize for his discovery that cancer is caused by weakened cell respiration due to lack of oxygen at the cellular level. According to Warburg, damaged cell respiration causes fermentation, resulting in low pH (acidity) at the cellular level.

Dr. Warburg, in his Nobel Prize winning study, illustrated the environment of the cancer cell. A normal healthy cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take in oxygen to convert glucose into energy. In the absence of oxygen, the cell reverts to a primal nutritional program to nourish itself by converting glucose through the process of fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers the cell pH (acid/alkaline balance) and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division. The cancer cells then begin to multiply. The lactic acid simultaneously causes severe local pain as it destroys cell enzymes. Cancer appears as a rapidly growing external cell covering, with a core of dead cells.

Dr. Otto Warburg finished one of his most famous speeches with the following statement: "...nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause is. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention."[2]

Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for showing that cancer thrives in anaerobic (without oxygen), or acidic, conditions. In other words, the main cause for cancer is acidity of the human body.
By the time I read his genius speech, he had been dead a long time. I wonder, if this discovery was so important that he received the Nobel Prize, why doesn't everyone know what pH is?
As soon as scientists discovered what healthy human blood pressure and temperature are supposed to be, devices were invented to measure them.

Whenever I went to a doctor, my blood pressure and temperature were measured, but I don't ever remember a doctor measuring my pH. High blood pressure and fever, though not pleasant, do not cause cancer. The acidic condition of the blood does. It is not my opinion; it is what the internationally renowned scientist Dr. Warburg has proven. For this statement he won the Nobel Prize. As the outcome of the recognition of his discovery, I think it is vital to make pH information available at once to everyone.

Only drink Ionized Alkaline Water. This water is so amazing it has been approved by medical professionals in Japan as the single water product endorsed by the Japanese Association of Preventive Medicine for Adult Disease.

Also endorsed by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare (FDA equivalent) because of the miraculous benefit to good health. This amazing technology is brand new to North America and the benefits and results people are getting are phenomenal. Because of all the health benefits from this technology, we are interested in people who are either proactive, into preventative health, fitness, exercising, or people we could help that have a physical illness or issue.

My website is because the information is 90% visual, watch the movies first, especially the colon therapy movie and the water demos at the bottom of that page.


This is must read for all cancer patients and those who desire to stay healthy! This technology has been used throughout the hospitals in Japan for treatment of various aliments and diseases since the mid-60's

Steven Fursik

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