Friday, 10 February 2012

Good News For Turmeric and Skin Cancer Prevention and Cure

It seems like every time you turn your head, there is a story about the health benefits of turmeric and skin cancer prevention appears to be one of them, so what is the secret of this humble herb?

Long used in Indian and Chinese medicine, this herb has an active ingredient called curcumin responsible for its extraordinary powers. This is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substance which can help naturally heal many of today's diseases.

With regards to turmeric and skin cancer, it appears to induce the melanoma cells to kills themselves while leaving the healthy cells alone. This fact cannot be underestimated when you realize that current chemotherapy treatment kills the healthy cells as well.

Another important factor is that with chemotherapy treatment for example, your body's immune systems is severely compromised and you are open to infection, whilst with natural herbs like turmeric, they actually boost your immune system at the same time.

Research still has a way to go but one scientist described it as, "one of the most perfect designer substances for fighting cancer." Quite a statement to make and one of the reasons millions of dollars are being pumped into research.

Another intriguing fact is that curcumin seems to be able to stop cancer spreading, partly by improving the function of the liver. This is a key area many scientists are now investigating as this ability could save many lives.

Not only is turmeric and skin cancer being looked at but many other areas such as protecting against heart disease and lowering dangerous LDL or bad cholesterol levels, so much has this herb to offer us.

You can get the benefits of this and other synergistic nutrients now in the form of a quality multi health supplement. Look for one that has 95% pure curcumin extract and piperine from black pepper, as this significantly increases its absorption rate.

In the short term you may notice improved memory and clearer thinking and not fall victim so often to common colds and flu, due to the boost to your metabolism. More importantly you will be helping to prevent many of the dangerous diseases in the future.

Turmeric and skin cancer prevention and cure is just the beginning.

Visit my website today to learn more about how to choose a quality turmeric supplement.

Take a moment to visit my site now at

Ric Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and turmeric extract Discover the very latest and effective anti-aging health supplements Ric recommends after extensive research

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