Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Early Diagnosis Recommended for Oral Cancer Patients

It is such a scare to know that there are about 500,000 confirmed diagnoses made of oral cancer every year. Worst of all is the fact that in most cases the cancer is diagnosed at a later stage and a lot of people are dying within less than a five years’ time, which is a very poor prognosis.

Most of the information available is based on the different surgical corrections that are made, as well as the different chemotherapeutic regimens delivered to the individuals but not much is to be found on the various ways through which a cancer can be diagnosed earlier.

A lot of attention is now focused to delineate better ways to diagnose oral cancer at a very early stage and for this reason many researches are conducted to better equip the prosthodontists with diagnosing tools.

Oral cancers are reported in a very high percentage in the ages of 40 and above and the main reason for their rise is pointed out to smoking and alcohol abuse. There are also statistics that oral cancer can also occur in individuals who are into such habits.

In order to understand the dynamics of how many patients are worked for oral cancers. There were only about 28% of patients who said that they got an examination to detect an oral cancer.

This just puts a blame on the prosthodontists that they do not check more of their patients for oral cancer, but it should be also be very clear to the individuals that they should get themselves regularly checked and do regular follow-ups so that your prosthodontist can check for the presence of oral cancer, specifically in individuals who are 40 years and above.

Angela Rogers

Angela Rogers, Marketer for Nature’s Smile, www.naturessmile.com

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