Thursday, 23 July 2009

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Living with generalized anxiety disorder is pretty a tough job. This is because you constantly feel anxious giving your mind stress all the time. In this condition you feel anxious without any substantial reason and may lead to excessive anxiety. There are few generalized anxiety disorder symptoms which are bound to get noticed in people suffering from this condition. These are:

• Concentration problems
• Restlessness
• Feeling a lump in your throat
• Fatigue
• Irritability
• Muscle tension
• Staying asleep
• Excessive sweating
• Shortage of breath
• Stomach problems
• Headache
• Diarrhea and many more

If a person is suffering generalized anxiety disorder then he may experience worry frequently and will remain anxious for most of the times. This condition can begin at an early age and the signs and symptoms can grow further if not treated on time. There can be many reasons which can give way t this problem. Some of the risk factors include:

  • Childhood adversity - Children who witness some traumatic and shocking events are bound to get a deep impact of the entire event and may get suffered from generalized anxiety disorder.
  • Illness - Illness like having a cancer can make you anxious for sure. Worrying too much about your future and finances and relationships can lead to this problem.
  • Stress - A chain of stressful events in life making you believe that life has given you hardships only can lead to Generalized anxiety disorder. Stress can also be related to any illness or any other miserable thing in life.
  • Personality - People with weak mental stability are more prone to get suffered from this anxiety condition.
  • Genetics - According to few studies, genetic component also plays an important role in generalized anxiety disorder.

As soon as you witness the symptoms, you should visit your doctor for effective treatment. If you child has started worrying about school, earthquake, household chores, war, airplane flights, then you should believe that your child is either suffering from generalized anxiety disorder or on the verge of it.

General anxiety disorder symptoms should be diagnosed properly to get the exact cause of the condition. Sometimes the anxiety problem is based on past experiences of life which can be cured by some medications or therapy. So don’t waste your rime by seeing your child in pain. Go get medical care immediately.


If a person is suffering generalized anxiety disorder then he may experience worry frequently and will remain anxious for most of the times. This condition can begin at an early age and the signs and symptoms can grow further if not treated on time. There can be many reasons which can give way t this problem. Some of the risk factors include.

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