Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Mouth Cancer Symptoms - Are You at Risk? Discover the Warning Signs of This Frightening Disease

If you're the type who enjoys smoking and drinking a little too much then you might want to check and make sure that you're not showing any mouth cancer symptoms. Studies show that it is most likely to affect people who enjoy both smoking and drinking frequently as opposed to those who only prefer one or the other. What's even worse is that regular smokers or drinkers are already at a high risk of acquiring this disease.

Some symptoms that you have to look out for can be a bit nondescript, like halitosis or bad breath and tongue problems (numbness, soreness), making them easy to ignore. Others however are a lot more serious. Skin lesions, lumps and ulcers, for example can start forming in the area of the mouth. These are usually small and either be pale colored, dark or discolored. Other early signs may include a white patch or a red patch on the soft tissue of the mouth. They can start out painless, but can eventually develop a burning sensation once the tumor starts spreading.

Not all symptoms are located in the oral cavity. A lump in the neck can also be a sign, as well as weight loss and white or red patches in the throat region.

Mouth ulcers that refuse to heal after two weeks as well as speech problems can also develop. It can make your voice husky, more quiet, or sound like you have a cold. Slurring and having trouble pronouncing your words

If you show any of these signs along with persistent discomfort or feelings of pain in your mouth then it's a sign that tumor is indeed advancing. So, be sure to have things check out by your doctor as soon as possible.

If you do find that you have the disease remember that there are many natural treatment options available that are worth considering before you subject yourself to surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. So, make sure to discuss all your options with your doctor before you decide how to proceed with treating your mouth cancer symptoms.

Melissa McKyler

Melissa McKyler is a firm believer in natural cancer treatments. Her website focuses on all different types of cancer symptoms and alternative natural cancer treatments. For more information about mouth cancer symptoms be sure to visit

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