Sunday, 19 July 2009

How Can Your Prevent and Treat Your Oral Cancer?

In oral cancer, the cancer cells or tissues present within oral cavity of the mouth. Oral cancer includes the parts such as cheek, lip, gum, salivary gland and floor of the mouth. This type of cancer will affect only the people more than 45 years, but it can get developed at any stage. Most of the oral cancer includes the throat, tongue and floor of the mouth. Throat cancer includes the part behind your mouth. A person who is affected by oral cancer may have great health risks if he is a male or above 40 years old.

The American research center says that nearly 30,000 people are affected by oral and throat cancer in United States per year. According to the recent estimation from America about 7,000 people die because of throat and oral cancer. Oral cancer may originate from any part of the mouth as a primary lesion and may be varied in types. They look very smaller in microscope and are malignant. They can spread easily to the other parts. If the oral cancer is detected in the earlier stage it is successfully curable, but it is very difficult to identify because in the early stage it does not have any pain but only toothache.

Symptoms for Oral Cancer

Following are the some of the common symptoms of the oral cancer:

You can experience bleeding in gums and red or white patches on the gums. A lump found on the lips, floor of the mouth, at the side of the cheeks. Feeling difficult to chew or swallow. Having Continuous toothache and loosing teeth. Bad breath and difficult to open the jaws. A lump on your neck. A sore present in your mouth or tongue which does not heal quickly.

Factors for Oral Cancer

Tobacco is the major factor responsible for oral and throat cancer. A person who drinks alcohol will be affected by oral cancer mostly than the non-drinking persons. Smoking cigarettes, pipes, chewing tobacco leaves, using snuff powder will lead to oral cancer. The person who has regular head ache may also be affected. Family background is also another reason. High exposure of ultraviolet rays on the lips is also one of the factors. Among 3 any 1 person will be affected by oral cancer due to UV rays.


Stop smoking and have a regular dentist checkup twice a year. Avoid chewing gums and tobacco leaves. Use sun screen balms on your lips and sunscreen lotions on your body to protect yourself from UV rays. Do self-examination for your tongue, teeth and throat. Have a rich nutritious food.

Treatments for Oral Cancer

Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are the major treatments for removing tumor cells or tissues. Surgery depends on the size and location of the tumor and it can be removed easily without any damage. Radiation therapy uses x-rays to kill the tumor cells and it can be used during surgery for destroying small tumors. In chemotherapy the drugs are used to kill the cancer cells. You can stimulate drugs either through veins or orally. The type of drug depends on the size and location of the tumor. If the tumor cell is larger it can be treated with the combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Mike Lovatt

Further information can be found throughout the web, such as Fruity Health Directory which has a great resource for cancer information.

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